
Situated to the south, this landmass possesses a complex geopolitical landscape shaped by its surrounding neighbors and its own distinct challenges. To the west lies the expansive desert of Kartagis, a vast expanse inhabited by a multitude of nations that often bear a distinctly unfriendly demeanor. Despite being in direct proximity to both the imposing Fortress of Dragsa and the enigmatic Disciples of Chaos, west side of continent has managed to maintain a stance of neutrality toward both sides, a strategic choice facilitated by its formidable geographic advantage. The daunting dunes of Kartagis form a natural barrier that would render any potential conquest a nearly insurmountable endeavor.   Nevertheless, this neutrality does not preclude conflict, as the continent remains embroiled in an ongoing war against the audacious pirates of The Scareguards Archipelago, who assert their claim over these lands.   The Kartagis deserts starkly contrast with the humid environment of the Scareguards Archipelago situated just farther up to the north. It's as if some unseen force were siphoning away the water from the region, leaving it unnaturally arid. As one ventures southward, both temperature and dryness escalate. In the southernmost reaches lies an expanse known as the Dunes of the White Eyes, where a peculiar ailment afflicts those who spend prolonged periods there. This mysterious affliction steals their sight, painting their eyes with a milky white hue, thus giving the dunes their evocative name.   Meanwhile, moving eastward, the oppressive dryness gradually abates, yet an unnatural presence lingers as the “Marsh of the Unrested” unfurls across the landscape. Its murky waters are laden with toxic gases and strewn with the grim remnants of the deceased. The origin of this eerie marshland remains shrouded in uncertainty, its ominous presence predating even the arrival of the Disciples of Chaos.   Beyond it, one is confronted with the aftermath of the initial onslaught carried out by the forces of Disciples of Chaos. The charred remains of once-thriving civilizations now stand as haunting memorials to the devastation wrought by the invaders. The people have come to dub this desolate territory the “Godless Lands.” While rain may grace these parts more often, few plants manage to take root in this blighted soil. The land itself seems to wither under the weight of suffering, struggling to sustain life. Amidst this bleak panorama, a solitary fortress rises ominously: Wurgar. Constructed by the hands of captives under the watchful gaze of the Disciples of Chaos, it stands as a symbol of the overwhelming darkness that has taken hold of these lands. A grim testament to the fate that awaits all if their ambitions are not stopped.
Included Locations

Articles under Herja

Cover image: by DALLE


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