
At the center of the land stands the stronghold known as Wurgar, fashioned from the black stones unique to this desolate region. Its construction started soon after the conquest of Gandoa was finished. Initially, the labor force used in creating the stronghold consisted mostly of orcish slaves, brought here along with the armies from realms beyond the mysterious portal. These workers bestowed the name of “Wur'Gar” upon the terrible fortress. With the arrival of captives from the kingdoms of Herja, the pronunciation eventually evolved into the “Wurgar” we know today. Despite its imposing presence, this stronghold is a relatively recent addition to the diverse landscapes of Deuslair.   Dark Tower looms over the Wurgar, concentrating the magical energy of Chaos into one spot. From this tower the Disciples of Chaos observe the surroundings and plan their next moves. With a height of nearly 1700 ft., it allows for the observation of almost the entire land. The only blockade are the mountains located to the east of the stronghold. Among the walls covered in black and gray, orange-fiery light pulsates in some places, giving the stronghold an even more ominous character. Elements of fortifications have been carved into the black rock, creating an architectural rarity when comparing to the rest of the continent. Sharp towering structures, and a gloomy atmosphere give birth to an aura of seriousness and respect to the tower of Wurgar.   At the very center of the stronghold lies the central castle, around which alleys of houses, workshops, guilds, and other residential buildings are laid out like tentacles. The castle has two towers and is built in the shape of a rectangle. The ends of the towers are adorned with sharp spikes and create an exceptionally coherent composition with the rest of the city's buildings. The narrow streets of the stronghold are reserved for the passage of carts and other vehicles. Sometimes, creatures can be seen riding on these carts. Humanoid figures sneak along the sides of the streets, hidden in shadows. It is in their own interest to not end up under the wheels or, worse, in the claws of some giant creature. The only real law here is the restriction of movement as nobody is truly concerned if some unfortunate soul gets ran over.   The main function of the stronghold is to protect the numerous buildings and crafting headquarters that make up the supply system of the Disciples. That’s the official version. The real reason is shrouded in mystery. Anyone high enough in the ranks of the Disciples knows that in the suburban catacombs, there is a magical portal, through which supplies are transferred to the land of chaos. Everything created in Wurgar ends up there. Only a few thieves and ruffians are able to come into possession of items that are supposed to go through the portal. This requires access to information, and a fair amount of luck. And luck is scarce in this place. Transfers of goods are kept secret and not systematically planned. Magical and non-magical craftsmen are guarded by patrols of the Disciples. The mined resources, essential to their operations, are always escorted with the status of the highest priority. Despite this, the mining transport line is the weakest link in this chain, is that as it passes through Ashen Deserts. Transported materials often tempt treasure hunters and marauders. The effects of this temptation can be varied, but most often, it ends with dark blades cutting someone's throat.   Materials that managed to reach the stronghold are distributed among the crafting guilds. The lion's share of the material is allocated for the production of weapons. Axes, swords, armor, and other armaments that will be used in a just cause in the future.   The most honorable place is occupied by the Guild of Chaos, located next to the central castle. It is one of the largest clusters of magical blacksmiths in Wurgar, and are involved in imbuing weapons with Souls Ash and providing magical artifacts crafted from alloys made from Black Rocks. Their work is sealed with strict secrecy. Anyone who tries to break in is expelled from the city by the wind. Wurgar's magicians love to turn uninvited guests into ashes. Sometimes, Chaos Envoys organize demonstrative executions to discourage thieves. Few can bring themselves to describe what is done with the bodies of fools who venture to Wurgar.   Another section within Wurgar is the District of Orders. Members of these orders are part of the elite communities, but are not allowed to contact any of the city's other residents. Everything they need is provided to them by the Disciples. The true nature of the Orders are a secretive, hermetic group responsible for carrying our special tasks, like eliminating anything that would disturb the free flow of the magical energy of Chaos.   The remaining groups inhabiting the stronghold are known as the citizens of the Disciples, a mixture of species from everywhere. Within the city's culture, a custom has emerged whereby residents never ask anyone where they come from. Ethnic diversity arises from the fact that the emissaries brought anyone who could satisfy their spontaneously emerging needs. Almost everyone who comes to the city is addicted to the Souls Ash. However, some Individuals are not susceptible to the addictive nature of these particles. Unlike citizens of most cities that survived the invasion, residents of the capital enjoy certain civil liberties. These bits of freedom are enough for many foreigners to look for a better life there.
The very name of the stronghold Wur'Gar means “Dust of Souls”—it refers to the key component of this enslaving atmosphere. This old pronunciation of Wurgar is still widely used by orcs, goblins and a fewof the older beings.
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Cover image: by DALLE


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