
The Kutauri are a resilient and noble beastkin race in the world of Deuslair, known for their unique half-human, half-horse physiology. Their creation is deeply intertwined with the dark history of Dragsa, where they were engineered as laborers and later, as racers. This page delves into their origins, societal structure, cultural practices, and their life within the sanctuary of Banewood Asylum.  


Originally bred by the manipulative sorcery of Dragsa, the Kutauri were created as a blend of human servants and farm horses. Designed for strength and endurance, they served in fields and mines, suffering under the yoke of slavery. As the ambitions of their creators evolved, so did the purposes of the Kutauri, extending to roles in racing and aesthetic displays among Dragsan nobility. This brutal exploitation sparked a strong desire for freedom among the Kutauri, ultimately leading them to become the first beastkin race to successfully rebel against their oppressors.  

Physical Description

Kutauri possess the lower body of a horse and the upper body of a humanoid, standing between 5 to 7 feet tall. Their equine features are robust, designed for speed and heavy lifting, making them physically formidable. They are quick to gain muscle mass and can carry more than their own weight. Variants among them include those bred for labor, racing, and aesthetics, each bearing distinct physical traits such as coat colors and build.  


After their rebellion, the Kutauri settled in Banewood Asylum, a forested sanctuary where they redefined their community. Their society is divided into two key factions:  

Harras: Focus on nurturing nature and maintaining peace within their community.

Harrat Wing: Militant defenders who carry out annual raids against Dragsa to safeguard their freedom and that of others. The forest of Banewood Asylum reflects the duality of its inhabitants, being both a peaceful haven and a fortified bastion.



Kutauri culture is rich with traditions that emphasize freedom and individual growth. A significant rite of passage for every Kutauri is the acquisition of their True Name, given later in life to signify personal achievements and status. Prior to this, they are known by a Child's Name. Their adornments and hairstyles vary by faction: Harras often decorate their hair with flowers and natural elements, whereas Harrat Wing warriors opt for practical braids or short cuts, often accompanied by war paint.
Scientific Name

Cover image: by DALLE


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