Middle Layer

The Middle Layer is smaller than the outer one and placed directly underneath it. What little natural light reaches it comes from the sophisticated network of tunnels and mirrors, sending beams of sunshine deep underground. That isn’t, however, much of an issue due to the everpresent glowing crystals. Fluorescent citrines, garnets, and amethysts, charged with the ambient magic of the city, provide a constant hue of shining yellows, greens, and blues.   This layer is the home to middle-class citizens, schools, offices, healer practices, and guilds. Most of the northern part of the hexagon is taken by the residential areas, whereas the rest is a fair mixture of factories, workplaces, and shops. It is mainly inhabited by dwarves, and thus if you’re not one it is likely that the nearest guard will ask you for your identification papers. The Middle Layer is the most densely populated part of Hyste Talma. Due to this fact, the residential buildings tend to be tall and narrow, reaching as far as seven stories. The alleys between them are wide enough to allow one person comfortable passage, but not much more than that. The dwarves, therefore, usually carry their belongings in backpacks rather than carriages. Navigating the Middle Layer is made doubly difficult due to its ever-changing structure. Old buildings are demolished, and new ones sprout at the whims of crafty dwarves. Closes and wynds are very rarely accurately marked on any available maps, and only locals can swiftly use shortcuts without risking becoming hopelessly lost.   One solution for this, however, is Roof Hopping. Most of the elves who live in the Middle Layer, few as they are, prefer to climb on the nearest building and avoid the crowds and complicated turns and twists of the streets below. If you’re proficient enough in elven sign language, you might even spot conveniently placed plaques with directions and names of the buildings.

Articles under Middle Layer

Cover image: by DALLE


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