The Tainted

Once prominent religious figures, they are now shadows of their former selves. Or maybe grotesque caricatures. As shamans hailing from one of the nations conquered by the Disciples of Chaos, they wield formidable magical powers. They serve Chaos both through their mystical abilities and as commanders of Orc Slaves battalions.   The fall of the Elishu cult. Before the Disciples of Chaos arrived on the continent of Herja, there were several kingdoms and religions present on these lands. All living in relative peace with just occasional skirmishes related to the boundaries of their kingdoms. Among them, The Cult of Elishu was one of the prominent ones. The shamans devoted to this deity, called Hands of Elishu, were once revered religious figures commanding respect and devotion. But in the wake of the Disciples of Chaos' devastating campaign across the continent of Herja, they have been reduced to pitiable remnants of their former selves. These once-prominent leaders are now grotesque caricatures of their past glory. When their kingdom fell victim to the chaos and terror wrought by the Disciples, their formidable foresight and magical abilities proved insufficient against the overwhelming power of their adversaries.   A gruesome transformation. Instead of death, they suffered a fate worse than imaginable—torture and the corroding madness inflicted by the malevolent influence of Chaos. As their minds shattered, the corrupting magic seeped into their very beings, contorting their physical forms and making additional hands sprout from their bodies. While they are not entirely devoted to the Disciples' cause, they are driven by a need to protect their fellow countrymen still enslaved within Chaos' territories. This sentiment remains in them even on the edge of madness. Today, they walk alongside Disciples' armies as harbingers of destruction, wielding their tainted magic to spread sorrow and extinguish all opposition. As the armies they are commanding are marching, they support them with their divination magic to warn and give orders from afar. Their horrifying transformation serves as a chilling warning of the horrors that await others if the forces of Chaos are not halted.   The Bishop of Elishu. Even the highest-ranking members of the Elishu religion were not spared from the clutches of corruption. In fact, some believe that they were even more profoundly affected by the malevolent forces at play. Among them, the Bishop of Elishu stands as a prime example. I've heard that he struggled the most in the torture chambers, enduring more than all the rest. Perhaps this is also why he was kept for much longer there, which in turn resulted in an overwhelming infusion of Chaos magic. Or, as some dare not utter in the presence of any remnants of the Elishu's cult, perhaps he was more compatible with this magic from the beginning. Regardless of the reason, his body was transformed beyond recognition, growing to an enormous size with numerous hands sprouting from his torso, and his entire physique twisting in unnatural ways. Even gazing upon him is a trial only the bravest souls can withstand. Much like the other Hands of Elishu, he provides support to the armies, but his transformed body allows him also to stand at the forefront, wielding magic to rain destruction upon their enemies and shield the advancing troops.   Chaos Orc Slaves. As commanding officers of the armies, the Hands of Elishu are each granted control over battalions composed of slaves. The most common ones given to them are the Orc Slaves from other worlds. Over many generations within the lands of the Disciples of Chaos, their original culture has been lost, and they've been stripped of all the values they might have held in the past. Now, they have become nameless meat shields within the armies. These Orc Slaves have been conditioned to endure more than others, obey orders without hesitation, and even die if commanded to do so.
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Cover image: by DALLE


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