Wrecked Vessels Handlers

Located on the seafloor, on the outskirts of the main settlements, lies an expanse where numerous workshops stretch as far as the eye can see. Resembling abandoned shipyards, this area is dotted with an array of seemingly unfinished ships. Yet, the truth behind this scene is much simpler. One could even say it is very utilitarian. It serves as a place where skilled Crafters engage in the craft of repurposing ship parts into a diverse array of tools.   Salvaged wood is meticulously fashioned into practical utensils and tools, while harpoons and chains are honed and converted into effective weapons. This resourceful process breathes new life into discarded ship fragments. While many Crafters maintain shops across Encura or within the Submerged Bazaar, citizens frequently opt to approach these workshops directly, requesting specific items tailored to their needs.   In more recent times, the ocean's waters have been cleaned from most of the well-preserved sunken vessels, posing a challenge to the Crafters who must now contend with a dwindling supply of high-quality ship materials. Nevertheless, many skilled Crafters choose this path, to toil tirelessly shaping sourced timber and iron into magnificent creations.
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Owning Organization

Cover image: by DALLE


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