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Craftsmen are the backbone of society upon Devorn, crafting tools and alchemical concoctions used by many citizens of the world. Craftsmen can be found in almost every village and town across Devorn, from village farriers crafting horseshoes to the intricate glass weavers of Xocrusia. Depending on their area of expertise the wealth of a Craftsman can vary greatly. Expert or master Craftsmen in their fields may be sought out by wealthy patrons from across the other side of the world to craft a specific custom item.   Blacksmithing is an ever present part of Devorn and many people need a tool repaired, or a new weapon forged, or even a custom decorative piece created. The field of Alchemy has massively expanded following the Great Unshackling as the natural world exploded with new flora and fauna (including many monsters to dissect) that can be used to craft all manner of potions, poisons, or bombs. Technical diagrams and alchemical formulae have become some of the most coveted items in Devorn, with more advanced examples of each being worth princely sums.  
Patch Job (CRA)
A skilled craftsman can patch a weapon or armour well enough to keep it working and keep its wearer/wielder in the fight, whether that be by tying a bowstring back together, sharpening the edge of a broken blade, or nailing a plate over a cracked shield. By taking a turn to roll Patch Job at a DC equal to the item’s Crafting DC-3 a Craftsman can restore a broken shield or armour to half its full SP or restore a broken weapon to half its durability. Until fixed at a forge, a patched weapon does half its normal damage.
The Forge Master The Alchemist The Improviser
Extensive Catalogue (INT) Mental Pharmacy (INT) Augmentation (CRA)
A skilled Craftsman can keep a mental catalogue of diagrams in their head at all times. When a Craftsman has memorized as many diagrams as they can, they may roll Extensive Catalogue at DC:15 to memorize one more. ere is no limit, but every 10 diagrams they have memorized adds 1 to the DC. A skilled Craftsman can keep a mental catalogue of formulae in their head at all times. When a Craftsman has memorized as many formulae as they can, they may roll Mental Pharmacy at DC:15 to memorize one more. There is no limit, but every 10 formulae they have memorized adds 1 to the DC. A Craftsman can make an Augmentation roll at a DC listed in the Augmentation chart to augment a weapon or Armor with their crafting tools. This augmentation takes 3 rounds. While a forge isn’t required, it grants a +2 to the roll. A fumble results in the item taking damage equal to the fumble value.
Journeyman (CRA) Double Dose (CRA) Silver Coating (CRA)
A Craftsman who begins crafting an item can roll Journeyman at a DC equal to the item’s crafting DC. If they succeed they add +1 DMG for weapons or +1 SP for armour for every 2 points they rolled above the DC. The maximum bonus they can give to DMG or SP is 5. Any time a craftsman sets out to make an alchemical item they can make a Double Dose roll at a DC equal to the formula’s crafting DC. If they succeed they create two units of the formula with the ingredients of one. This applies to all items created with alchemy, including potions, oils, decoctions, and bombs. A Craftsman can coat an existing weapon in silver with a forge and a number of units of silver ingots based on the size of the weapon. The DC for this roll is 16. If you succeed, add +1d6 silver damage to a weapon per 3 points you rolled above the DC, up to 5d6. Failing the roll breaks the weapon.
Master Crafting (CRA) Adaptation (CRA) Pinpoint (CRA)
Master Crafting allows a Craftsman to make items that are master grade. They can also roll a Master Crafting roll at any time at a DC equal to the item’s crafting DC to permanently grant armour resistance (their choice which) or weapons a 50% bleeding or -2 Stun value based on damage type. Craftsmen can roll an Adaptation check (3 + the crafting DC) before making a witcher potion to lower its DC to avoid poisoning by 1 for every point over the crafting DC. If they fail, the potion comes out as poisonous as it normally would be. The DC to avoid poisoning can never be lower than 12. A Craftsman can roll Pinpoint with a DC equal an item’s crafting DC to search for a flaw in the item’s design. This takes 1 turn of studying, but allows the Craftsman to make a targeted attack at a -6 to do ablation damage to the armour or weapon equal to half their Pinpoint value in 6-sided dice.


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