Xocrusia Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Xocrusia is situated in the North-Eastern corner of Beregan, flanked by two arms of the The Corsan Peaks, and is situated entirely within the harsh desert of the Essker Dunes. Xocrusia is ruled by the descendants of the eight leaders who signed the Rakmanis Unification Agreement, these families have one vote each to elect a prominent member from amongst their ranks who becomes the ruler of Xocrusia.   Xocrusia is a moderately wealthy nation with the large deposits of precious minerals within the Corsan Peaks and the ancient bones of megafauna that litter the dunes from which the valuable Esskern Bonedust is harvested. Trade to and from Xocrusia is limited due to its relative remoteness though they maintain strong relationships with both their neighbours in the Arnost Commonwealth and Divine Republic of Aspua.


The people of Xocrusia are generally hard working, capable, and patient. These traits develop quickly in children raised within the harsh climate of the Essker Dunes and visitors are often put-off by how mature the youngest Xocrusians seem to be.


The initial formation of what would come to be known as the nation of Xocrusia began in the last few centuries of the Shackled Years. Rival tribes and villages from across the Essker Dunes came together at a gathering in Rakmanis, the largest settlement within the desert, to begin the process of unification. Over a century of disagreements and compromises finally lead to the formal declaration of unification between 12811 S.Y. and 12812 S.Y..   During the Darkened Years that followed the Great Unshackling Xocrusia galvanised their newly formed nation and came together to withstand the tumultuous time. This national unity combined with the harsh climate of their desert home granted Xocrusia protection against the warlords and raiders that ran rampant during the Darkened Years. As a result of the isolation of Xocrusia it has never been involved in a formal war, nor has it had border issues with either of its neighbours the Divine Republic of Aspua or the Arnost Commonwealth .

We That Endure Amongst Heat and Sand

Founding Date
Between 12811 S.Y. and 12812 S.Y.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Xocrusia accepts the use of Mestor Crowns, Oasian Drin, and Aspuan Cleansed Silver.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


Friendly and Trade Partners


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