Mages Profession in Devorn | World Anvil
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Mages are those individuals who have spent a great deal of their lives training to channel the wild and chaotic magic of Devorn. Many people of Devorn are born with ability to channel at least a little of the worlds magic, most of them without even knowing that they do so, Mages are special however and can access far more power than the average person. This access to power at a young age inevitably leads to accidents, or deliberate actions that ends with people being hurt or significant property damage being done. Those Mages however who reach maturity are capable of learning a multitude of methods to extend their life beyond it's natural limits.   The majority of Mages on Beregan are therefor sent by The Order of the Broken Tome or their families to join either the Guild of Enchanters or Trion Sorcerer College where they can learn both the control necessary to operate within society and the skills necessary to earn themselves a future. All Mages, even those who have completed their rigorous training and have almost complete control over their magic, are treated with an air of caution wherever they may go. This treatment may worsen in certain nations where magic is frowned upon, if not outright illegal.   Mages on Devorn make a comfortable living in any number of different ways from advising rulers, to exploring old ruins in search of lost artefacts, to simply brewing potions for profit. Some more adventurous Mages have even taken to seeking out the dangerous Places of Power spread across the world, where the natural magic of Devorn bursts completely free from its restraints.  
Magic Training (INT)
A Mage can roll Magical Training whenever they encounter a magical phenomenon, an unknown spell, or a question of magical theory. The DC is set by the GM, and a success allows the Mage to recall everything there is to know about the phenomenon. Magical Training can also be used as a form of Awareness that detects magic that is in use, or spectres.
The Politician The Scientist The Arch Mage
Scheming (INT) Reverse Engineer (INT) In Touch
A Mage can make a Scheming roll at a DC equal to a target’s INTx3. On a success the Mage gets a +3 to Deceit, Seduction, Intimidation, or Persuasion against that target from their observations of how the target works. The bonus from this ability applies for a number of days equal to the Mage’s Scheming value. By taking 1 hour to study an alchemical solution a Mage can roll Reverse Engineer at a DC equal to the Crafting DC for the alchemical item +3. Success allows them to reverse engineer and write down the item’s formula. This formula is 3 points harder to craft, but reliably creates the desired item. As a Mage utilizes magic more and more, their body becomes more used to the flow. Every point a Mage has in In Touch grants +2 points to Vigor threshold. When this ability reaches level 10 your maximum Vigor threshold becomes 25. This skill can be trained like other skills.
Grape Vine (INT) Distillation (CRA) Immutable (WILL)
A Mage can take 1 hour and make a Grape Vine roll against a target’s EMPx3. Success spreads rumours throughout a settlement or city, lowering the target’s reputation there by half your Grape Vine value for a number of days equal to your Grape Vine value. A Mage can roll Distillation instead of Alchemy when creating an alchemical solution. Success at this roll creates a dose of that solution that has half the effect that it would normally have, either in duration, damage, or resistance DC (your choice). Always round down when increasing. A Mage can roll Immutable at a DC:16 whenever they would normally be affected by dimeritium. Success means that the Mage mostly shrugs off the dimeritium. They are still somewhat dizzy and uncomfortable but retain half of their total Vigor threshold and can perform magic.
Assets (INT) Mutate (INT) Expanded Magic (WILL)
Once per game a Mage can make an Assets roll to remember an asset they ‘acquired’ some time ago. Take the total of your roll and distribute it between the 4 columns on the table in the sidebar to find out who you know. This asset will help you, but how much depends on their relationship with you. A Mage can spend all of their stamina and a full day experimenting on a subject to roll Mutate at a DC equal to (28 - (subject’s BODY + WILL)/2) to mutate the subject. Success grants the subject use of the Mutagen with the appropriate minor mutation. Failure throws the subject into Dath State and inflicts the larger mutation. By channelling magic through various magical foci a Mage can wield incredible power. A Mage can roll Expanded Magic before attempting to cast a spell or ritual, at a DC of 16. On success the Mage can channel the spell or ritual through any 2 of their foci that they choose, reducing the Stamina cost twice.


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