Guild of Enchanters Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Guild of Enchanters

The vaunted Guild of Enchanters was formed in 529 P.U. in Natharis, the capital of the Kingdom of Jothor, by disgruntled former students of the Trion Sorcerer College who desired more freedom in regards to their magical studies. The Guild believes that young Mages should be free to explore their magic and to test the boundaries of what is possible, in an effort to better understand the magic of Devorn.   Students of the Guild of Enchanters are taught primarily by a singular Tutor and the relationship is very similar to that of a master and apprentice. Tutors are expected to teach their students for a minimum of 5 years, though most last between 8 and 10 years, and to cover as much of what the tutor has learnt in their life as possible. Tutors are not required to live permanently in any one place while they teach a student and many choose instead to wander Devorn teaching as they travel. When a Tutor has deemed a student ready, and that they have sufficient mastery of their magical potential, a Tutor registers them for the Arcane Assessment.   The Arcane Assessment is a series of tests and puzzles related to both practical and theoretical magic hosted at one of the three guild halls in Aviere, Natharis, and Brasan. If a student successfully passes the Arcane Assessment they are free to leave the service of their Tutor and forge their own path. After a period of at least 15 years a former student of the Guild may apply to become a Tutor after passing the Tutor's Test and proving themselves financially capable of supporting a student.  


The leader of the Guild of Enchanters is given the title of Magister and act as both the master of the guild and a figurehead. This requires that not only must a potential Magister possess administrative skills but they must also be amongst the most powerful Mages of the Guild. There is only one Magister at any given time and they serve until they retire from the position but it is expected that the heed the advice of the Masters of the Hall while in office.   Beneath the Magister are the Masters of the Hall who preside over each of the guild halls of the Guild of Enchanters. It is the responsibility of the Masters of the Hall to oversee both the Arcane Assessment for Pupils and the Tutor's Test for prospective Tutors that are held within their halls. Masters of the Hall lose the freedom granted to the Tutors of the guild and are required to oversee their hall year round, in return they are well compensated for their efforts. Additionally when a Magister steps down from their position it is from the ranks of the Masters of the Hall that a new Magister is chosen.   Beneath the Masters of the Hall are the Tutors who are responsible for teaching the Pupils of the Guild. Tutors are former Arcanists who have passed the Tutor's Test and are thus granted the privilege of taking on a Pupil. Tutor's receive a yearly stipend from the Guild to supplement their income and in return are expected to graduate each pupil they accept in a timely fashion.    Beneath the Tutors are the Arcanists who are the former Pupils of the Guild who have successfully passed the Arcane Assessment. Arcanists of the Guild of Enchanters are given free reign to travel where they wish and take whatever form of employment is available to them. The only thing expected of an Arcanist is that they continue to delve into magical research and to present their discoveries to the Guild. In return Arcanists are given access to all Guild assets and the Arcane libraries of their peers.   Beneath the Arcanists are the Pupils who are the apprentice Mages studying under a Tutor. When a child with magical potential is brought to the Guild they are assigned a Tutor after a brief period of initial instruction in the Guild halls. Pupils are expected to diligently approach their studies and to attempt to improvise with their magic to see what they are capable of.

Potential Should Be Realised

Founding Date
529 P.U.
Guild, Mages
Notable Members

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