Trion Sorcerer College Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Trion Sorcerer College

The illustrious Trion Sorcerer College was founded in 178 P.U. in the city of Alcombey within the nation of Thermark. Young Mages from across Beregan are sent to the College in an effort to lessen the risks of their magical outbursts and to teach them useful ways to channel the energy. Students are confined to the grounds of the Trion Sorcerer College until they have been deemed to have sufficient control to not be dangerous to the general public at which point they are allowed to explore Alcombey. Their differing opinions on how young Mages should be trained have lead the Trion Sorcerer College to have an antagonistic relationship with the Guild of Enchanters.   Students of the Trion Sorcerer College take classes on manipulating and blending elements to create desired magical effects, these classes increase in difficulty as the students progress and cover everything from self-defence spells to healing spells. Experimentation by students of the College is strictly forbidden, though students who are nearing graduation may be asked to assist professors who are performing research. Graduating from the College is not a matter of age nor time enrolled but based entirely on the proficiency and control an individual shows with their magic. The Mages who graduate from the Trion Sorcerer College find themselves in high demand as they are prized assets for royal courts and wealthy merchants of Beregan.


The leader of the Trion Sorcerer College is given the title of Dean of the College and acts as the administrator for the school and as a point of contact for Graduates spread across Devorn. There is only one Dean at any given time and they serve until retirement but can be replaced by a vote of no confidence from the College Board of Governors. The Board of Governors also choose the replacement for a Dean that has retired, died, or otherwise left the position.   Beneath the Dean of the College are the Board of Governors who manage the finances of the school and have the capability to remove a poorly performing Dean from office. The members of the Board of Governors are made up of former students of the College who have shown exceptional aptitude for both magic and governance.   Beneath the Board of Governors are the Instructors who are directly responsible for educating the Students of the College. Instructors are expected to teach classes on their areas of expertise while also furthering the research of the College into those subjects.    Beneath the Instructors are the Graduates who make up the bulk of individuals connected to the College. The Graduates include all students who have successfully completed their education at the College. However, individuals who have been imprisoned or killed for the use of illegal magic in a nation of Beregan are seen as stains upon the record of the College and stricken from the record.   Beneath the Graduates are the Students who are currently attending the Trion Sorcerer College. Students are seen as the future of the College and are treated with respect and guided on to the right path for the school. The shortest period of time an individual has been a Student is 3 months, however the majority of individuals take between 3 and 8 years to graduate from the College.

Control Not Chaos

Founding Date
178 P.U.
Education, Magic
Notable Members


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