Naswana Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Naswana is situated on the North-Western tip of Beregan at the tip of the Horn of Beregan. Covered in golden grasslands and the dark red dirt that borders The Burnt Lands the lands of Naswana are often buffeted by strong winds and tides from the Sea of Wohlwollen to the North. These tides were so strong at one point that they began to damage the royal city of Brasan and so The Tide Wall was constructed within Russet Bay as a dual purpose wave break and prison. Naswana is ruled by King Garler II, the longest reigning leader of Beregan whose reign began in 878 P.U..   Naswana has a poor to moderate economy with limited natural resources. Naswanan Boar and horses raised on the grassland are prized as mounts and are sold for exorbitant prices in markets across Devorn. Artefacts recovered from the edge of The Burnt Lands are sold to The Order of the Broken Tome. Naswana is isolated from much of Beregan so it has little direct trade with any nations outside its allies the Blistering Isle and Summerbarrow.


The people of Naswana are often seen as free spirits with a great love for nature. Very few people from Naswana are happy to be locked down for long periods of time, seeking out change and new experiences with vigour. Many Naswanans forge incredibly strong bonds with animals throughout their lives, including some who manage to bond with the massive Naswanan Boar native to the region. Naswanan children are taught how to ride horses and other animals from a young age to help them traverse the grasslands of the nation.


Naswana is formed from the remnants of kingdoms from the Shackled Years many of which were devastated by the Great Unshackling when the Gods themselves cursed the land that would come to be known as The Burnt Lands. Naswana was formed in the first year of the Post Unshackling following many years of suffering during the Darkened Years by King Magnus I. King Magnus I ruled for 110 years before abdicating, starting a tradition amongst the royal rulers of Naswana whereby they would abdicate to a chosen successor as opposed to simply dying on the throne, if they had the option of course.   Naswana has fought no formal wars during the Post Unshackling. They are however a part of the formal alliance with the Blistering Isle and Summerbarrow and have provided soldiers and supplies when those nations have gone to war. During the early period of the era Naswana attempted many expeditions into The Burnt Lands to recover lost artefacts and knowledge, many of these expeditions did not return and the few individuals who did were never the same.

The Wind Carries Us

Founding Date
1 P.U.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Naswana accepts the use of Mestor Crowns, Oasian Drin, and Gemellan Fins.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members


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