Summerbarrow Organization in Devorn | World Anvil
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Summerbarrow is located on the Western most tip of the Horn of Beregan and is the most Western nation of the continent. Within the borders of the Barrow are a few of the islands in the Zwilling Strait, the sparsely populated and dry Cape of Red Sands, and Moresh's Basin with unique flora and fauna found nowhere else in Devorn. Summerbarrow is ruled by Imrex Tafi Waggletop a descendant of the first Imrex who is on her third 10 year term in charge of the country.   Summerbarrow is a wealthy nation with much of that wealth coming from the invention and production of alchemical items. A large segment of alchemical advancements and studies have occurred within the famed Alchemist's Row of Klineston the capital of Summerbarrow. The importing and gathering of unique alchemical ingredients to support this industry is a large part of what drives Summerbarrows' trade with its neighbours. Summerbarrow is part of a formal alliance with Naswana and the Blistering Isle and has friendly relations with neighbouring Otril.


The people of Summerbarrow have gained a reputation for being very thorough and quite blunt. This reputation was only enhanced as Summerbarrow became the centre of alchemical advancements on Devorn. Workshops are almost sacred places to the Barroch and they take meticulous care to ensure they are operating efficiently. Apprenticeships are an extremely common lifepath for many children of Summerbarrow, especially for children without parents as they are put to work to gain value in society.


Summerbarrow was formed in the first year of the Post Unshackling when Sayore Waggletop, the Gnomish administrator of Klineston, rallied the towns of Summerbarrow to repel a large raiding party from the Tornett Isles. Sayore's leadership was so effective both during the raids dealing with the logistics of combat and following them when resources needed to be sent from around the country to areas of need, that the people of Summerbarrow agreed to unify under her. Sayore was appointed the first Imrex of Summerbarrow, following her 37 year reign the Imrex has been chosen by a popular vote serving 10 year terms though there is no limit to re-election. All citizens of Summerbarrow who have reached their majority are eligible for the position of Imrex and they are also eligible to vote in the election.   Summerbarrow has fought two wars since its federation and dealt with frequent raiding from the Independent Tornett Isles. The first was the Granman War fought between 499 P.U. and 527 P.U. against the Crownlands of Otril for control of the shared Granman Cove. The second was The War for the Isles where all the nations of Western Beregan went to war over the control of the Tornett Isles.

Exacting Precision

Founding Date
1 P.U.
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Barrow
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Presidential
Summerbarrow accepts the use of Mestor Crowns, Oasian Drin, and Gemellan Fins.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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