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Penitent of the Lost Light

Mythology & Lore

The Penitent of the Lost Light believe that the Gods of Devorn, who had grown jealous of Noormani, The Lost Light, saw an opportunity to bring about the Great Unshackling which saw him banished beyond the reach of Devorn.

Divine Origins

The Penitent of the Lost Light was formed from the local beliefs of slumdwellers from the ancient city of Mestor in the Estarin Empire. These downtrodden individuals came to believe that it was only through their personal suffering that their pleas could reach Noormani. These beliefs quickly spread across Mestor and were formalised in 68 P.U. when an unknown individual carved the Tenets of the Penitent into a stone brick along the Emperor's Road in the city.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Only through suffering may Noormani, The Lost Light hear our pleas.
  2. Pain caused by oneself is holy.
  3. Speaking of another God is to muffle Noormani's voice.


All followers of the Penitent of the Lost Light perform acts of self-flagellation and are expected to give tithes to the church. The majority of Penitent believers make a pilgrimage to Mestor to join the March of Bristles each year.


The head of the Penitent of the Lost Light is referred to as the Prelate and they maintain the Cathedral of the Broken in Mestor and direct the collection efforts of the Tithe Scroungers. The Prelate is also responsible for leading the March of Bristles and they are expected to wear the evidence of their faith with pride never covering their back with clothing or armour. A Prelate serves for a period of ten years at the end of which they may choose to either re-join the ranks of the Tithe Scroungers or to join the ranks of the Martyrs and complete a Bloodletting ritual.   Considered to be in higher regard than the sitting Prelate but deceased are the Martyrs who have completed a Bloodletting ritual. The Bloodletting ritual performed by former Prelates is performed in the Temple of the Broken and involves the former Prelate ritually cutting themselves with a dagger until they expire. During the Bloodletting it is said that the Martyr can hear the voice of Noormani, The Lost Light himself and they often cry out with a final directive for the Penitent.   Beneath the Prelate and Martyrs are the Tithe Scroungers who collect tithes from Flagellants of the Penitent. Tithe Scroungers are responsible with maintaining the coffers of the Penitent and wear a heavy metal collection tin on a rope around their neck. It is from the ranks of the Tithe Scroungers that new Prelates are nominated by their peers and chosen based on their devotion to Penitence.   Beneath the Tithe Scroungers are the Flagellants who make up a majority of the Penitent. The Flagellants are the everyday worshippers of the religion who give tithes to the church and perform acts of flagellation to enhance their connection to the Lost Light.

Through suffering, the light returns.

Founding Date
68 P.U.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Wretches
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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