Amelia Telara

Bastion is looking for any mechanism or device... he does see a piece of paper in one of the broken crypt stone, it has a bit of green mold growing on it. It is aged.
Dearest Amelia,
  The flickering candlelight dances on these cold stone walls, mocking the warmth you always brought. It's strange, writing to someone who can't hear, yet the words tumble out like a dam finally breaking. There's a freedom in confessing to the empty air, knowing it can never reach you, but the burden is heavy nonetheless.
  Remember that day by the lake, the one where we swore our futures were intertwined? We were young, naive, convinced our bond was unbreakable. But life, that cruel puppeteer, had other plans. My path took a darker turn, a path you wouldn't have walked with me. Fear, Amelia, Fear of losing you, drove me away.
  I told myself it was for your own good, that the Darkness clinging to me wouldn't taint your Light. But the truth, the truth that twists like a viper in my gut, is that I couldn't Bear the thought of your disappointment. I was a coward, Amelia. I chose the shadows over the Sun, over you.
  The years since then have been a desolate wasteland. Every success, every fleeting moment of joy, has been tinged with the bitter ash of regret. I see your Ghost in every sunrise, hear your laughter in the wind. It's a constant reminder of what I threw away.
  They say time heals all wounds, Amelia. But mine festers, a gaping hole in my Soul. I know you wouldn't want me to wallow in self-pity, and perhaps that's the point of this letter. To finally release the truth, to let go of the "what ifs" that have haunted me for so long.
  You deserved a life bathed in sunshine, Amelia, a life filled with love and laughter. Instead, I gave you Silence, a void where our shared Dreams once resided. Forgive me, if forgiveness can even reach you beyond the veil. You will always hold a piece of my heart, Amelia. A reminder of the Light I extinguished, the love I let slip through my fingers.
  With a love that echoes in the Silence, The one who failed you, Alistair

  Session 072: Dark Knights in Thornwinds Report
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