Session 072: Dark Knights in Thornwinds Report

General Summary

Wild Cards


Redfall 17, 2023 KC, evening

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I discussed a bit about guilds in Dierde. An opportunity for class and profession progression. This will be a side thing, played by ear and mostly an out-of-session possiblity for character progression.   They are in town for around a week as the crew needs serious R&R due to the attacks and morale issues.  
Perception Check   Barlo: 14 Bastion: 1 (8) (on reroll 4 (11)) Calliope: 24 Sas: N.20 (25) Shadow: N. 20 (32)  
  So the party has the knowledge given to each individually...   Barlo
It is possible you have been through this port town as it is the main southport for Aewrun. It is generally peaceful, as it is a hub of the major criminal enterprises that encompass Dierde, which means the Black Hand works out of there as well. They Work in cahoots with other criminal enterprises, most of the names are not exactly "public" and they try to hide their identities much like how The Black Road does. But many are aware of how this port city stays peaceful because of the deeds and deals in the shadows.   There is an underwater civilization to the North where ships cannot pass as the Coral is so big it grows above the ocean in many places. It is well known that the underwater society does not take kindly to anyone who goes into their waters without permission.   It was brought up before a bit how ports Work. There are groups like Black Road and others who Work together with ship captains and adventurers with regards to how goods and things get transported. This also means coins and wealth. It is why your party was given the "black card" it is what allows opportunities at the ports for those of wealth or adventuring backgrounds. The Black Card is what allows you to convert coins into Platinum or Gold or even Gems and if you need other items of wealth as well as put the call out for magic items.   This port used to be a grand port and had a large statue of a warrior fighting a large Dragon that greeted and warned those who came to the large city. At some point, long lost to history it was destroyed, leaving the legs of the warrior, the head of the Dragon, and only a narrow way that ships can go through or risk hitting the submerged statue parts.   At some point before the Great King a band of pirates from Carrune resettled the area, and over time were able to build the area up. With the lands of Dyrt and the knights who train there it became a way to bring goods in and a port for adventurers seeking glory to the west.  
You might have come here at times in your youth or with Grognard. It is generally peaceful with rumors of how the true power is from various criminal enterprises.   There is an underwater civilization to the North where ships cannot pass as the Coral is so big it grows above the ocean in many places. It is well known that the underwater society does not take kindly to anyone who goes into their waters without permission.   It was brought up before a bit how ports Work. There are groups who Work together with ship captains and adventurers with regards to how goods and things get transported. This also means coins and wealth. It is why your party was given the "black card" it is what allows opportunities at the ports for those of wealth or adventuring backgrounds. The Black Card is what allows you to convert coins into Platinum or Gold or even Gems and if you need other items of wealth as well as put the call out for magic items.   This port used to be a grand port and had a large statue of a warrior fighting a large Dragon that greeted and warned those who came to the large city. At some point, long lost to history it was destroyed, leaving the legs of the warrior, the head of the Dragon, and only a narrow way that ships can go through or risk hitting the submerged statue parts.   At some point before the Great King a band of pirates from Carrune resettled the area, and over time were able to build the area up. With the lands of Dyrt and the knights who train there it became a way to bring goods in and a port for adventurers seeking glory to the west.  
You have learned a bit of history and lore as a Bard and for your future as a representative of your people, so you would know that this was once a grand port city which long ago fell into Ruins. Later resettled by pirates and since then a peaceful (mostly) port city run supposedly by various criminal enterprises.   There is an underwater civilization to the North where ships cannot pass as the Coral is so big it grows above the ocean in many places. It is well known that the underwater society does not take kindly to anyone who goes into their waters without permission.   It was brought up before a bit how ports Work. There are groups who Work together with ship captains and adventurers with regards to how goods and things get transported. This also means coins and wealth. It is why your party was given the "black card" it is what allows opportunities at the ports for those of wealth or adventuring backgrounds. The Black Card is what allows you to convert coins into Platinum or Gold or even Gems and if you need other items of wealth as well as put the call out for magic items.   This port used to be a grand port and had a large statue of a warrior fighting a large Dragon that greeted and warned those who came to the large city. At some point, long lost to history it was destroyed, leaving the legs of the warrior, the head of the Dragon, and only a narrow way that ships can go through or risk hitting the submerged statue parts.   At some point before the Great King a band of pirates from Carrune resettled the area, and over time were able to build the area up. With the lands of Dyrt and the knights who train there it became a way to bring goods in and a port for adventurers seeking glory to the west.  
You would know very little of this place, but you are sure you heard it is run by criminals and they keep the peace. As a Tortle from Oth'Mar you would hear a bit from the sailors so you would have also heard a bit of other things:   There is an underwater civilization to the North where ships cannot pass as the Coral is so big it grows above the ocean in many places. It is well known that the underwater society does not take kindly to anyone who goes into their waters without permission.   It was brought up before a bit how ports Work. There are groups who Work together with ship captains and adventurers with regards to how goods and things get transported. This also means coins and wealth. It is why your party was given the "black card" it is what allows opportunities at the ports for those of wealth or adventuring backgrounds. The Black Card is what allows you to convert coins into Platinum or Gold or even Gems and if you need other items of wealth as well as put the call out for magic items.   This port used to be a grand port and had a large statue of a warrior fighting a large Dragon that greeted and warned those who came to the large city. At some point, long lost to history it was destroyed, leaving the legs of the warrior, the head of the Dragon, and only a narrow way that ships can go through or risk hitting the submerged statue parts.   At some point before the Great King a band of pirates from Carrune resettled the area, and over time were able to build the area up. With the lands of Dyrt and the knights who train there it became a way to bring goods in and a port for adventurers seeking glory to the west.  
You have learned a bit of history and lore from your fellow Tabaxi in the clan that have traveled here, so you would know that this was once a grand port city which long ago fell into Ruins. Later resettled by pirates and since then a peaceful (mostly) port city run supposedly by various criminal enterprises.   There is an underwater civilization to the North where ships cannot pass as the Coral is so big it grows above the ocean in many places. It is well known that the underwater society does not take kindly to anyone who goes into their waters without permission.   It was brought up before a bit how ports Work. There are groups who Work together with ship captains and adventurers with regards to how goods and things get transported. This also means coins and wealth. It is why your party was given the "black card" it is what allows opportunities at the ports for those of wealth or adventuring backgrounds. The Black Card is what allows you to convert coins into Platinum or Gold or even Gems and if you need other items of wealth as well as put the call out for magic items. I realize now you should have heard of this beforeā€¦ but maybe it never made as much sense as it does now that you are exposed to it and the world. You know that many in your clan have discussed this network so you are certain that you can probably get word to another Tabaxi through this network -- but no telling how long it would take the word to get around. Something to think about at any port city though.   This port used to be a grand port and had a large statue of a warrior fighting a large Dragon that greeted and warned those who came to the large city. At some point, long lost to history it was destroyed, leaving the legs of the warrior, the head of the Dragon, and only a narrow way that ships can go through or risk hitting the submerged statue parts.   At some point before the Great King a band of pirates from Carrune resettled the area, and over time were able to build the area up. With the lands of Dyrt and the knights who train there it became a way to bring goods in and a port for adventurers seeking glory to the west.  
  In the past few days they have learned that this is a town run by rogues and their guilds, but this is an open secret. Crime is low though because of this. It is a very active port.   To the north is a mass of Coral that breaks the surface of the ocean and blocks much traffic, this is an underwater kingdom -- one that does not trust those on the surface. Thornwinds is about the only place it seems to have any trust with though and so uses its ports to do its only trades with the surface world.   There is a long past of transgressions, wars, and conflicts between the two -- but at some point in the past they finally conceeded to a working and somewhat trust-worthy relationship. There are many corals, pets, seafood, and gemstones only found in that region.   There is a graveyard to the south that periodically must send priests to in an effort to handle the undead. Undead in Dierde can always be problem, and this is why many regions tend to burn the Dead -- but some places tend to not have it as a rampant problem so they may ignore the problem of the undead returning to plague the Living. It seems in Thornwinds they have a place where many are buried that they have not just burned down and so this is how they handle it. Lately it has been getting out of hand.   The two adventurers, Yggdra & Nissa Silverfrond have, at some point, notified Sas W.T. Rayce & Shadow in the Snow that there are rumors of someone matching the description of Garm Pavond in the area. The reports make it seem as if there are multiple versions or people similar to him in multiple places.  
    Sas would like to learn more of the guilds of herbalism... (and to learn more about Coralhaven)   Shadow wants tattoo guild...   A reminder that the crew needs a break. The party is enroute to Bast, but she has told them she needs them to gain in power before they get there. They are going to the City in a Mirage/Mist. It is over land, which they may want to address how they leave the port.   discussions on Owlbear and crew... A dangerous animal pet is not unheard of in such a place, as long as they show he is trained it should be okay.   discussions on money distribution. 10pp 287gp 100sp   Shadow keeps Arktos close.   The city is mostly humans and halflings, but all races seem to be found near the ports. Rumors of many Beasts and creatures outside of the city.   discussion on how the ship can Fly very high, but can't leave the planet due to a "shield" unless they go to the South where all the dragons seem to live. discussion on how they can use the coin to Teleport.  

A discussion on guilds in Dierde

  Almost all major settlements have guilds and to be in those professions you must be in the guild. It is possible smaller settlements don't have as strong of a tie to a guild, but if you are found to be practicing without an affiliation it can have consequences.   Guilds help protect and gather information for their respective field and to benefit those in the profession. They may have different names, but they are all pretty much connected per field of study. So all Tattoo Guilds are part of the Major Tattoo Guild (not an official name), even if they may call each group a different name. The local groups are "sub guilds".   Each Guild would have a major committee made of those from the more powerful guild groups.   Guilds look to have 3 main groups. 1 is the main professional group and this is a lifetime commitment and dedication. 2 is an option for those with wealth who contribute coin to keep the guilds going, but offer the wealthy some prestige and notoriety. Finally is the adventurer class, as guilds have historically found them helpful. For one, they can tend to unearth many caches of old wealth and this is a way to curb inflation and to bring in revenue, but adventurers are a class of citizen who can do great deeds to benefit the guilds as well.   in Thornwinds they learn of The Verdant Hand and The Etched Canvas, as well as The Illusive Symphony.   To join it costs 500 gp, with a 100 gp/year fee. Additionally it is required to check in at least 1x a year (not a hard rule if due to adventuring issue) where you show what you have done and have an opportunity to learn something new (no more than 6x a year). You get discounts on tools or necessary things for profession, if bought through guild (generally only large cities). This would also give an opportunity to possibly buy new "recipes" or whatever knowledge is necessary. The DM would pick a few possibilities for the player to choose from.   Thieves guilds are a bit different... but there are guilds for professions as well.   For the bards, they can network for jobs or to learn of music and history lore. That is how bards Work here, their magic stems from pulling out power from those events and lore to bring to current time. These guilds will break up any non-guild busking or playing.   other guilds exist, like bounty hunters (criminals or creatures), merchant guild of Wideberth, money guild of Neyer, Xanathar's Guild.  
  Barlo was thinking of checking out the ship and new upgrades... since they made the gemstone to grant it the powers of Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location and discussions on The Audacity powerset.   ...   Shadow asks about the most popular tavern in town.     Bastion contemplates making a Gem with a spell, like Scorching Ray, for the ship. This is not believed to be possible. Fly is the only believed to Work... The ship's flight is vulnerable to anti-magic/dispel because of this.   Sage Advice on Dispel  
  For a Way of Shadow monk, can their Silence be dispelled?   A spell is a spell, no matter its source. When you cast a spell through a feature, the spell is subject to the normal spellcasting rules, unless the feature says otherwise.   Can permanent magical effects be dispelled? Or are they no longer considered magical effects once permanent?   If the effect of a spell becomes permanent, it can be dispelled, unless its description says otherwise (such as in the Wall of Stone spell).   Can a spellcaster dismiss a spell after casting it?   You canā€™t normally dismiss a spell that you cast unless (a) its description says you can or (b) it requires concentration and you decide to end your concentration on it. Otherwise, a spellā€™s magic is unleashed on the environment, and if you want to end it, you need to cast Dispel Magic on it.   Can you use Dispel Magic to dispel a magical effect like a vampireā€™s Charm ability or a Druidā€™s Wild Shape?   Dispel Magic has a particular purpose: to break other spells. It has no effect on a vampireā€™s Charm ability or any other magical effect that isnā€™t a spell. It also does nothing to the properties of a magic item. It can, however, end a spell cast from a magic item or from another source. Spellsā€”theyā€™re what Dispel Magic is about. For example, if you cast Dispel Magic on a staff of power, the spell fails to disrupt the staffā€™s magical properties, but if the staffā€™s wielder casts Hold Monster from the staff, Dispel Magic can end that spell if cast on the target of Hold Monster.   There are abilities and other spells that can end or suspend magical effects that arenā€™t spells. For example, the Greater Restoration spell can end a charm effect of any sort on a target (such as a vampireā€™s Charm or a Dryadā€™s Fey Charm), and a paladinā€™s Aura of Devotion can prevent or suspend such an effect.   Three of the most versatile spells for ending certain magical effects are Lesser Restoration, Greater Restoration, and Remove Curse.   Can you use Dispel Magic on the creations of a spell like Animate Dead or affect those creations with Antimagic Field?   Whenever you wonder whether a spellā€™s effects can be dispelled or suspended, you need to answer one question: is the spellā€™s duration instantaneous? If the answer is yes, there is nothing to dispel or suspend. Hereā€™s why: the effects of an instantaneous spell are brought into being by magic, but the effects arenā€™t sustained by magic. The magic flares for a split second and then vanishes. For example, the instantaneous spell Animate Dead harnesses magical energy to turn a corpse or a pile of bones into an undead creature. That necromantic magic is present for an instant and is then gone. The resulting undead now exists without the magicā€™s help. Casting Dispel Magic on the creature canā€™t end its mockery of life, and the undead can wander into an Antimagic Field with no adverse effect.   Another example: Cure Wounds instantaneously restores hit points to a creature. Because the spellā€™s duration is instantaneous, the restoration canā€™t be later dispelled. And you donā€™t suddenly lose hit points if you step into an Antimagic Field !   In contrast, a spell like Conjure Woodland Beings has a non-instantaneous duration, which means its creations can be ended by Dispel Magic and they temporarily disappear within an Antimagic Field .   Can you ready Dispel Magic to stop another spell from taking effect?   The easiest way to stop a spell is to cast Counterspell on its caster while itā€™s being cast. If successful, Counterspell interrupts the other spellā€™s casting, and that spell fails to take effect. Counterspell works against any spell, regardless of a spellā€™s casting time or duration.   With the Ready action, Dispel Magic can be cast in response to another spell being cast, yet Dispel Magic canā€™t substitute for Counterspell. The main reason is that Dispel Magic removes a spell that is already on a target, whether that target is a creature, an object, or some other phenomenon. Dispel Magic canā€™t dispel something in advance. If a spell isnā€™t already present on a target, Dispel Magic does nothing to that target. The best that a readied Dispel Magic can do is dispel a spell immediately after the spell has been cast to prevent it from having any effect after the action used to cast it. For example, on your turn you could say something like this: ā€œI ready Dispel Magic, and if the high priest casts a spell on anyone, I cast Dispel Magic on the target if the spell takes hold.ā€ If the high priest then cast Hold Person on your companion who fails the save against it, you could unleash your readied Dispel Magic and end Hold Person.   Can Dispel Magic end Globe of Invulnerability?   Yes, Dispel Magic can dispel the barrier created by Globe of Invulnerability, but not any magical effects that are active inside the barrier.   If Dispel Magic targets the magical effect from Bless cast by a cleric, does it remove the effect on all the targets?   Dispel Magic ends a spell on one target. It doesnā€™t end the same spell on other targets.   --Sage Advice  
  I also realize DM was wrong.... antimagic would stop the ship as it shuts down all magic.   Maybe they could use the flying broom or similar item to transfer into a Gem.   Discussion on kitchen and dining room (capt. quarter). Barlo was thinking... in certain locations install "faucets" and imbue a Gem with the Alchemy Jug...   This led to a discussion that when doing such "enchantments" it helps to use higher spell slots, more wealth, more time, etc... to improve chances of success and the outcome.   But since they are going to a desert, they decide to hold off on this for now.   There was a reminder that they can use the dining table 1x day to cast Heroes' Feast if they sacrifice the required component.   cost for rarity
Item Rarity Cost*
Common 50 gp
Uncommon 200 gp
Rare 2,000 gp
Very rare 20,000 gp
Legendary 100,000 gp
  The party is able to sell their Ivory statue, jewelry, etc... through the Mercantile Company, the ports system, which allows for buying/selling of such goods as well as messages or coin exchanges. This is the group the party got the "black card" from.   For right now, they were able to get full value of items. Magic items would be based on DM...   They decided to keep the Adamantine bars.    

Redfall 20, 2023 KC, evening

  Thornwinds     Some head over to The Captain's Coin   Like a D&D pirate-themed Applebees... Bard playing a lute that goes into a sea shanty. exotic foods with names based on ports they came from.   It's getting to evening.   Shadow wants to learn more about shopping/market/thoughts of guilds. she goes to bartender. Looks like a captain who gave it up long ago... thick pirate act at first..   suggests the West Molly, an ale (the finest) strong brewed by monks to the north. Gold, spicy, dry finish. 1 sp each.   she asks about the guilds. What do the lay people think? He is in the ale-brewing guild. It is more than worth it to join if in the trade, impossible to live if you don't.   She wants to join tattoo, but leaving soon -- it doesn't matter as they are all connected. as well as it is brought up about non-guild doing Work and how they will find ways to harrass them.   Any good market days? Market days are almost every day -- base on ships that come in.   The graveyard issue?   Always a problem with the undead, but this has been an issue lately. usually one will find a necromancer as responsible. She asks if there is a guild for that. Not one public. Also brought up how magic is frowned about in this port as most major settlements as there is Fear it could be used nefariously. It is recommended to be careful when using magic in any settlement. Most ships are aware of this as they go into port from port...   the cemetary is outside of town. Many clerics end up going that way, the main cleric is out of town right now...   As you go further east and away from setlements you will find more creatures and dragons. There are walls here, but many homes outside of the walls...   she asks if anyone else has gone to handle this. He is unsure. She asks if any strange rumors...   Shadow cha (16) Barlo gives a "smile"   She brings up political upheaval in Forlione   He says out here there have been talk of a Ghost ship named The Drowned Regret to the South. Down in the Straits of Madness. No real issues it seems, just sightings.   She asks about the underwater kingdom, Coralhaven--can you visit?   He says not really, but they do come here to trade. It will be taken as an act of aggression if anyone goes there.   His name is Flynt. she asks about the weirdest thing he's seen... he says an ant taking a bread crumb up a stair.   Barlo thinks about connecting with the Road...   asks the party about the rumors of Garm and how they might try to help retrieve the arm. When they had touched base the others said there were stories he might be in multiple places...   She goes to Flynt and describes him. He says he heard about him from two ladies. seems they were around Bone Arch which leads towards the cemetaries. Not as old as Old town, but still a slum... the ladies were the two adventurers.   He learned from them that garm is in the area to the south.   the party looks to whether they think he wants to pawn it or use it. They had learned that the hand was a cursed relic from the apprentice of Vecna. Yggdra was to be a great weapon for this cult. They found her Dead and used the arm to bring her back from the Dead. She escaped and has been trying to learn more of the cult.   the party discuss where they are staying... on the ship.   She gives him a Gold piece tip.   The party is aware the ladies are staying. they discuss going to see them. Barlo suggests he might have some fence contacts... they decide to meet at The Sleepy Seahorse where the ladies are staying. It's a bit more "shady" but great to stay low in.  

  Shadow wants to find a place with stuff from Coralhaven, so does Sas. There are merfolk and sea elves from there. they find Enchanted trinkets of Coralhaven where a Sea elf is working. Various corals and Pearl artwork and jewelry. Carved scrimshaw, some with animated art. Before Shadow enters she casts Detect Magic from her Ring of Alertness. Lots of slight Illusion magic on the items here. The black etchings have movements like waves, or hair moving. She is looking for a crazy turtle or kraken one...   Perception 27, finds one that is a large tusk. It was carved with movements on the sides. about 1' with intricate carvings and a kingdom drawn on it with swimming people and a large castle with a kraken behind it. the top of the water, off to the side looks to be a coastline and it looks like it is probably representing Thornwinds with the kraken coming for it. You could see the legs and the statue -- but appears above water.  
  Shop keep was surprised it was out. It has a shaky pedigree as the artist is not well known on land. 5gp.   shadow looks for bright Coral necklace or something... she finds one that the pearls have no magic, but are shifting colors a bit with a slight glow. green and purples. not bright, but can be seen from a distance. 15 gp.   she pulls out a necklace with sharks teeth -- big enough for an Owlbear? 10 gp for that.   gives her 35 gp.   The artist was Seraphina, not a big fan of landwalkers. Tend to keep the art out of store due to his views.   Calliope wanted two scallop sea shells. Sas wonders if there are other shops. This seems to be the main one, some pieces might be in other stalls and shops though. This would be the main shop for stuff from there. Food can be found in other places. Sas is wondering about herbalism.   This has a bit of a hippy shop vibe, so there are various "treatments" and herbs. They also suggest she check out the Bard guild for new songs...   Sas (investigation 27) finds a table with all the herbalism stuff. Some interesting incense. also wants an amulet.   Sas Religion 17, so she knows a major god is Eadro, and he created the Locathah. The Asathalfinare is a pantheon for good-aligned aquatic races and even many on the seas, led by Deep Sashelas.   His Symbol is a dolphin and Shadow finds one, worth 5 gp. Supposedly good luck on a ship and you may see an avatar of Deep's when sailing. has a slight glow of diviniation and Abjuration.   Sas also finds some incense. cheap, 1 sp. nice one 1gp. or fine for 10 gp (often used for those casting Find Familiar, especially for sea creatures).     her name is kelpie on land, but Seashell Whisper underwater.     Calliope has to go deeper into the city, near the main park where various Bard schools are around. She finds the The Illusive Symphony, a tall building with "ivory" floors. Music is everywhere and althought they are all different songs and styles it sounds harmonious as one wanders through the halls. She looks for a concierge, everyone seems like they know where they are going -- then a Halfling girl comes up and asks if she can help.   They tell the tales that must be told. She notices the instruments and breaks down the fees...She is here to show her songbook to learn some new ones. You don't have to be based here, since bards tend to not stay still.   You would have to play some for the guild leaders. then show the songbooks and narratives so they can be copied. Then be sure to stop by 1-6 x a year... Calliope worries since they lost 3 years. You don't have to stop here, any location is fine. You wont' get kicked out, adventurers (especially bards) this is normal. Just catch up on past dues... then pay.   She asks about favorite room. This Halfling likes a certain closet where everything becomes a comforting hum. She is told it is okay to explore.   She walks around... she sees various rooms, massive library with people taking copious notes. A room with curtains drawn, dark. young female sitting crosslegged with various instruments around her floating, she struggles with a lute that won't float and play like the others. she winces.   Calliope Investigation 18   The robes are black, but similar in cut and style to what Garm Pavond & Relia wear.   Calliope moves on. Sees a Human gentleman playing a lyre and he is dropping notes-- he keeps struggling.   She gives him an inspiration and he smiles. then returns to playing.   As she goes down to the front she notices a desk near the wall where someone is sitting, a slight reception desk feel. she asks if there is a free trial period.   she asks for a business card... there is a card, but larger -- like a band flyer. 5x7, cardstock. very shiny. Bard School of Glamour. The Illusive Sympony. All bards of glamour welcome.   she leaves some glitter. The girl has a book, and she takes it and puts it under a Silk scarf. Underneath it is another book and a black stone. she puts the scarf over it and smiles.   Calliope History 11   she has heard of various magics to make copies. As a Bard she has heard stories of prized magics that can instantly copy Books.   she relays what she saws, specifically about Drow and clothes to the party -- as well as asking Bastion if he knows of stones or crystals to copy spell Books.   Bastion Arcana 25   He has heard of such magics, especially as a sage, a secretive black stone that can copy Books. It requires the stone and a blank book with the same or more pages. Put the two Books on the stone and it can quickly copy it.... magic and spells are problematic, stories of those who have tried and it has been almost always disasterous to the person, the stone, and others. some have lost their ability to cast because of such experiments.   These used to be outlawed by more opressive regimes who tried to control information and knowledge. Those who own them tend to be secretive about them as they are generally legal, but there are fears about them. Even possible counterfeiting...   Bastion is also aware of how libraries tend to collect these to help expand their collections, and Shadow recalls how Outding liked to "borrow" all Books coming in. They realize that the library probably had one of these.     cue to Barlo...   He goes to the Dock and finds the harbor master to handle the selling of art. It is suggested to go to the "Port Authority", a Halfling at a kiosk.   Barlo looks for the Symbol of The Black Road... he sees it at the PA. Brings up the artwork. then says how he is looking for Garm, brings up what he looks like.   The Halfling gives him a once over. Barlo flicks the coin in the air, then puts it away... Can I have your name?   "barlo"   "It seems you know where all roads Lead..."   Persuasion: 15   It seems he might know more... he pulls up a book, says he knows that Barlo was transporting this individual. It seems they are a bit upset as this individual has attacked someone on the road and attacked others using the road. This means Barlo needs to handle the situation.   He is in the Boneyard, with at least two others similar and a Drow in black robes. They are of an uncommon race, Plasmoid, which the organization knows some things about. The Mask is not a Mask, but the ooze made hard to resemble Wood. used to hide identity.   Suggested to go to The Howling Gale in the Bone Arch. Tell the bartender, Franz, you sailed your ship off the Dark Road.   he tips a Gold coin, and has another quesiton. He is looking for a tracker named, Adrex Lhamboldennish who was on a job for him. he disappeared. He needs to contact him.   Persuasion: 27   He puts his hand under the book in the kiosk.... interesting he was the one we sent to look for you..   "yes, that's how I met him".   "... after you were supposed to escort a passenger from Eushia, Neyer."   He says he was shipwrecked. Now needs to find him.   "it's Weird you failed to show up at Neyer, but so did the passenger. Now you have this incident. And you bring up a person who is missing."   Barlo brings up his sister was missing then he was in outding... the Halfling knows that since they sent the Dragonborn there...   he makes a deal. Says they will help him with Adrex if they will help him find the missing passenger, Vyerith.   Barlo says they will and they are staying on the ship.   His name is "Reed"...   Barlo goes to ship. Tells captain. Gets artwork and has crew deliver it then goes to The Sleepy Seahorse   Sign is hard to notice.   everyone is at a table. He tells the party about Garm, his buddies, a new Drow person wearing similar garmants. Drow are rare, but a handful can be found in such a port place.   He tells them how Vyerith was who he was supposed to transport. There are others who are upset with Garm, and want Barlo to handle this.   now to Nissa & Yggdra...   This makes sense, seems there are others and not just him. He brings up The Howling Gale, they had checked it out-- found nothing.   Calliope had seen the Elf at the Bard's guild. discussion on what to do... suggests not doing it in the guild. Nissa suggests going to the Bone Arch. They discuss staking out The Howling Gale.   (there was a discussion about male/female. I realize I also forgot a bit since there was 3 characters at the Bard college and so we decided she was a bit adrogenous in their features with a cloak and long hair it could be hard to totally tell).   They head out, past the castle and nice homes/businesses to the Gate... as it is night the guards warn them. Outside of the gates the law means less than it does in the gates.   The Howling Gale is in the Wine Gate. It gets a bit nicer in this area.   only a few people in here, seems the nautical bits are of the original place... He is reading Barlo asks if he is Franz and tells him the password.   He puts the book down and looks around. Says he will just take Barlo, to the office ensures no one followed.   Reed told him to come here. He is lookign for Garm.   He already talked to Reed. They are staying at an old church on the outskirts of town. He hadn't seen much of the Drow, probably was their connection in the gates.   Past a hill. It used to be where they buried the Dead. Kept coming back. so they abandoned it. Only visit when they need to handle the Dead.   The wall of non believers is briefly brought up.   Barlo gives him money.   suggested day time.     shadow looks at the book... "Whispers of the Drowned", synapsis: mystery   perception: 25   the book is a bit racist, the writer hates merfolk and sea elves. Mystery of someone killing people from Coralhaven and the racial epithets are clearly unneccessary...   shadow spills some ale on the book. Seems the bartender pays it no mind. the book seems to be mostly a prop.          

  t Milestone Experience | 2000 ea Total: 104000 (Next Goal: 120,000 ) t  

Rewards Granted


  t Milestone Experience | 2000 ea Total: 104000 (Next Goal: 120,000 ) t  

Missions/Quests Completed


* Dierde World Map (Biomes, Equirectangular) | MAIN *
Dierde World Map | Equirectangular (Biomes)

Session 72: Dark Knights in Thornwinds Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
11 May 2024
Primary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie