Olayra (/oʊ.ˈlaɪ.rə/)


  Olayra is a librarian at the Heyton Thorpe LIbrary. The Mighty Menagerie met her when they were researching about the City in the Mist and the White Dragon, they later learned was Canthenth the White.  
You see before you an elderly elf with silver hair pulled back in a neat bun and deep blue eyes. Olayra's regal bearing and gentle mix of elven and common accent beckon you closer. She wears a simple gown of deep green, reflecting her love for the natural world, and her kind smile gives you a sense of warmth and welcome.
  Olayra is a wise and experienced librarian, with a deep love of books and knowledge. She is patient and kind, but can also be stern when necessary. She has a large collection of books on all kinds of topics, and loves to share her knowledge with others  
I strive to share my knowledge and understanding with others   I have a deep connection to my library, and to the books it holds   I have a tendency to be overly critical of others' work


Olayra has been a librarian for over 700 years, having been appointed to the position at a young age. During this time, she has collected a vast array of books and manuscripts on all kinds of topics. She takes great care of her library, and prides herself on sharing her knowledge with others  


Olayra is an elderly elf with pale skin, a long nose, and a regal bearing. Her long silver hair is pulled back in a neat bun, and her eyes are a deep shade of blue. She wears a simple gown of deep green, with a white apron and matching scarf around her neck  

Speaking Style

Olayra speaks with a soft and melodic voice, her words carefully chosen and precise. Her accent is a gentle mix of elven and common, and her tone is polite and respectful. She has a large vocabulary, and often sprinkles her conversations with poetic phrases and references to ancient texts

Librarian (books) at Heyton Thorpe Library in Heyton Thorp

Character Location
Current Location
Heyton Thorpe Library
View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Current Status
Librarian on Outding Refuge
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1800 KC 223 Years old
Current Residence
long white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 9"
145 lbs.