Session 003: Sahuagin Threat Report

The Mighty Menagerie handle the Sahuagin Threat and fix the crystal.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (1)


Redfall 02, 2020KC

  Heyton's Thorpe, Outding Refuge.     After hearing of the situation with the Crystal and the warnings of the Sahuagin Baron, they decided to take care of the Crystal problem.   The party leaped off the cliffs.   The Sahuagin Crystal Cave  
  The "manhole cover" looked old but clearly manmade. They entered the entrance of the ancient tunnels. There was a ladder that led to a spiral staircase, and after quite some time, the party got to the base hallway. The party explored the passages, noting how cold the pillars and walls were. The large wooden doors were made of some "petrified" Wood. They heard some muffled sounds. They entered the room and saw some frozen pools with some moving water on the bottom layers.   And then Shadow in the Snow got curious about the waterways. She saw that the bars were removable and then saw a Sahuagin hiding in the shadows...  



The Battle:

☠️ Shadow ☠️ ☠️ Sas ☠️ Barlo

t Combat Experience: 400 (100 each) | Total: 454 t

5gp 15sp
  There was some dried blood, about a week or so old, coming from under the door. They entered the room and found five Dead bodies. One had the net, and another had a     They said the word early but then threw it on the crystals.   The team carried the bodies into town and was given the reward.       from the mayor Mayor, Viggie Storr and the tavern finished the deal...   the ladies went to the Heyton Thorpe LIbrary and met Olayra, an Elf who helped them learn about a shared destiny.   The library "borrows" a copy of all Books that come to this island and make a copy, then returns the originals. Their home office is in the Empire of Caedal.    
Shadow's coin: Goddess Bast, deserts East of Empire of Caedal, a place called Al'Quar. They learned about Bast, a cat goddess, from the City in the Mist or the "City in a Mirage" around the Deadlands. Sas W.T. Rayce recognized the The Coin of Bast and gave some insight from a vision she had. -- this knowledge is still not known by the other two in the party. The ladies never shared this. The book "Legends from the Mist" told stories of different adventurers and lost lands, including one about Al'Quar. An adventurer spoke of a mirage city with pyramids, ziggurats, obelisks, Bast, etc.. He got stuck there for a long time, but then he got out and around to see it was gone.   They also did some research on the island and the Dragon problem.   Dragon: As for this island, they learned it was long ago settled by cannibals and Sahuagin, but the Heyton's came with a religious group to settle it. The cannibals gave "sacrifices" to the White Dragon, but that was thousands of years ago. If this is the same Dragon, then it is one of the oldest known dragons, outside of those in some "great" legends. The Dragon was named Canthenth, the White One, and their deal was sacrifices to it so it would leave them alone. Sacrifices of Gold and blood. Heytons came and took over the island. Put in the crystals to stop the Sahuagin and learned some of the tunnels could lead to The Underdark.   It seems Canthenth went into a slumber for possibly thousands of years. It seems dragons normally don't survive that long. Sure, hundreds of years, but thousands are mostly unheard of outside of some tales of myth.
    Before going to bed, they discussed talking to Helga in the morning as well as finding a way to "scare off the dragon" or lure him away also if there is a connection to Sahuagin.   They went to sleep for a long rest and planned to talk to Helga in the morning…   Villagers (in Heyton's Thorpe):
  • Olayra - Elven librarian. Helpful but has "secrets." It helps them find Books on the subjects they are interested in.
Others Spoken of:    

Redfall 03, 2020KC

  Who you gonna call…   In the morning, they realized they still had the bodies from the adventuring party and took them to the Heyton Family Crypt. The Outding Refuge Church looks to be one of the oldest, if not "the" oldest, buildings in the village, and it is made of stone.   They met an older Human man, the keeper of the church (Jacoby Drexelhand), and he had them drop the bodies.   Then saw a grieving lady, Kaja Bawerston, who was mourning her sister; she died recently from a fall. Nothing out of the ordinary.    
Kaja: She spoke of wailing sounds she had heard from the Heyton Family Crypt.   She speaks of how only 1 Heyton is known to be alive but hasn't been seen in around a month.
  The party asked Jacoby Drexelhand about the crypts, and he gave them permission to search the crypts.     Villagers (in the Heyton's Thorpe):  
  • Jacoby Drexelhand - strange older man, the keeper of the crypts and church grounds
  • Kaja Bawerston - mourning lady who spoke of wailing coming from the crypts
  • Others spoken of:
  • Lars Heyton -- not been seen in around a month
**Left at Outding Refuge Church about to enter Heyton Family Crypt**

Rewards Granted


  t Milestone Experience: 50 each | Total: 354 (Next Goal: 900) t   t Combat Experience: 400 (100 each) | Total: 454 (Goal: 900) t

Missions/Quests Completed



  • Learned about how Sas & Shadow have a shared destiny
  • As for this island they learned it was long ago settled by cannibals and Sahuagin, but the Heytons came with a religious group to settle it. The cannibals gave "sacrifices" to the White Dragon, but that was thousands of years ago. If this is the same Dragon then it is one of the oldest known dragons, outside of those in some "great" legends. The Dragon was named Canthenth, the White One and their deal was sacrifices to it so it would leave them alone. Sacrifices of Gold and blood. Heytons came and took over the island. Put in the crystals to stop the Sahuagin, and learned some of the tunnels could Lead to The Underdark.
  • It seems Canthenth went into a slumber for possibly thousands of years. Seems dragons normally don’t survive that long. Sure hundreds of years, but thousands is mostly unheard of outside of some tales of myth.
  • Shared destiny? City in the Mist or the "City in a Mirage" around the Deadlands
  • The library "borrows" a copy of all Books that come to this island and make a copy, then returns the originals. Their home office is in the Empire of Caedal.
Area Map | Outding Refuge (Battlemap c.2020KC)

Session 03: Sahuagin Threat Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Reginald Ivoryclaw
Sas W.T. Rayce
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
19 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie