Session 000: Backstories Report - Barlo

General Summary



Backstory | Barlo

  From The Bronze Canyon in Kampos. Gave up Tabaxi name, "Smiles". Help move people. On way to Eushia to help Black Road with a client. Currently on ship near Carrune.   Comes from a regressive civilized culture, Rotherham.   Both parents (Jade Gift "Gift" & Lucky Song "Song") are still alive, 2 sisters (Mellow Robin "Mellow" & Sapphire Branch "Branch"), he is the middle child. Born on the 4th day of the 2nd month, aboard a ship in a prison cell. The mom was taken hostage by pirates as she was helping transport some wares.  
***** Events of my Youth *****
  Age 7: befriended Teeka (a Goblin), we become infatuated with an adventurer who lived nearby, later it was learned how this was Grognard, and want to spend most of their time with him.   Age 13: begins an apprenticeship as a weaver. After 3 years the apprenticeship ends because I had “misplaced” or “lost” (stolen) valuable items from Barlo's Childhood Master Weaver ’s shop.   Age 16: Barlo's Childhood "Missing" Neighbor runs away and is gone for 4 months. why?   Age 17: trouble in the family, they don’t approve of my Barlo's Childhood "friends" .  
***** Events of Adulthood *****
  Age 18: becomes well-known, almost famous, for being involved in illegal activity. Forced into doing it because of threats to my family, from Barlo's Childhood "threat" Maker .  
***** Valued Things (value to me) *****
  • Person: Father (average)
  • Thing: knitting tools (obsessed)
  • Abstract: Freedom, both my own and others (average)
  Joshua: A smuggler who stole my gaming dice (2 1-inch cubes, with each side painted a different color). A set of game cubes I got from Teeka, a game we used to play a lot. Teeka was the childhood friend I would hang out with, we would visit the "old man" adventurer and listen to his stories    
  Family   Jade Gift "Gift": (Neutral) Father noted for his Trusting and cheerful personality, he always has a smile on his face.   Lucky Song "Song" is a merchant/importer of Silk fabric & thread from far away places: (Neutral Good)   Sisters:   Mellow Robin "Mellow", Barlo's Sister.   Sapphire Branch "Branch", Barlo's Sister.   Birthday   02/04/1980, Bronze Canyon in Kampos aboard a ship in a prison cell.

Rewards Granted

Missions/Quests Completed

Character(s) interacted with





Traps & Notable "events", rumors and stories
Objectives, Goals, and Quests
  • Get to Neyer for a smuggling operation (Barlo)
  • Mother was held prisoner by Pirates at his birth…
  • The adventurer & his Orc friend…
  • Weaver and the story of stolen items…
  • The neighbor who was gone for 4 months…
  • Family trouble and "friends"…
  • Ramifications of youthful illegal activity…
  • The organization with threats to family…


Birth of Barlo  


Barlo Befriends a Goblin Girl  


Barlo begins Apprenticeship  


Barlo's Neighbor Runs Away  


Barlo Has Some Family Issues  


Barlo Breaks Bad   War In the Dark Rain Forest Barlo had some interactions with this war...  


9 (Lowsun)

The Party Boards The Frontenac

Events after

Timeline of The Mighty Menagerie  
Report Date
20 Nov 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Session 00: Backstories Report - Barlo

Table of Contents

Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie