Session 008: Off to see the Dragon Report

The Mighty Menagerie go in search of the White Dragon causing the problems in Outding Refuge.

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (2)

Redfall 06, 2020KC

Heyton's Thorpe, Outding Refuge   The party woke up in the middle of the town square after each was experiencing different Dreams, but they began to speak about their Dreams and discovered there may have been some similar elements in all of their Dreams -- even if they each had different Dreams.   They returned to Lars Heyton and asked about the Dreams.  
Lars & the Dreams:   This Arcane Forge can seep into your Dreams a bit due to its link to the Far Realms. Each one channels energy from different planes. The Far Realms is where Beholders, Mindflayers, and other Aberrations come from. Lars says they shouldn't last more than a few days, and they seem relatively harmless.
  Ursa gives the party their rewards.    
Lars: Whoever is messing with the Crystal has also been trying to control the Dragon.   The Dragon is supposed to be hibernating. He is a protector of the area, but it now appears he is being manipulated.
    Lars heads to investigate the Crystal under the church.   Party went to Helga's and purchased:   

2 Healing Balms (7 days), the other one we own still has 5 days for use.   Purchased backpack for Arktos
Lars: The Secret door and Crystal were unknown before this (seemed truthful). The smaller Crystal was forged in the Arcane Forge. The larger Crystal seemed to help amplify the powers of the smaller ones.
  The party asked Lars to accompany them on their way to investigate the Dragon.   Head SE and found half-buried Ruins overgrown. Then a frozen river, it was getting much colder now. At the base of the mountain, there was permafrost all around; Lars led the team to a cave system.  
  The Base of Widow's Peak    There are exposed Crystal fragments all over. There are sounds of wind and water through the caves; The party followed where it seemed to not be as cold, going South. Grabbed a few pieces of the crystals. To the East, there was more ice and cold. Then mist and fog surrounded the party. Through the whole fight, the party could not see anything but did a great job fending off 5 Ice Mephits.  



The Battle:

☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ??

t Combat Experience: 500 (125each) | Total: 2040 t
  After the fight -- Lars noticed these were Ice Mephits, and they usually explode when they die. Odd that they didn't.   The purpose of exploring is to find the Crystal and clues to who might be messing with the crystals and Dragon.  
**Left in caves ready to move forward**

Rewards Granted


  t Combat Experience: 500 (125 each) | Total: 2140 (Goal: 2700) t  

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Get through the caves
  • Find the Dragon
  • Check out the Crystal situation


  • The party all had strange vivid Dreams
  • Whomever is messing with crystals is trying to control Dragon
  • He is supposed to be hibernating
  • Ice Mephits usually explode upon death, these ones didn't…
Area Map | Outding Refuge (Battlemap c.2020KC)

Session 08: Off to see the Dragon Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
06 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie


This article has no secrets.