Session 032: Curses! Bunnies! Ugly Giants! Report

The Mighty Menagerie find the Feywild Forest

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Around... Fellnight 08, 2020KC, Late Afternoon (☣️Feywild Time☣️)

  Feywild Fields North of Skola Vale, Feywild, Skola Vale The Dark Rain Forest, Kampos   Off to the Hag, again...   The party found the Feywild Forest North of Skola Vale, the Spider Forest of the Feywild and a trail that leads into it... then a bunch of Almiraj begin to appear. Shadow in the Snow speaks with animals -- they are running from something.   2 Fomorians are chasing them, and as they crash out of the forest one grabs an Almiraj and breaks it in half then begins to gnaw on it.  



The Battle:

☠️ Shadow? ☠️ Bastion?

t Combat Experience: 7800 (1560 Each) | Total: 24,560 (Next Goal: 34,000) t

harvested 2 Fomorian evil eyes, 1 bottle of pus, 1 Almiraj horn
**Long rest in tiny hut**
  Almiraj approach and leave a gemstone.  

Gemstone, Learned later it is a Ruby Weave Gem
    Shadow in the Snow & Barlo end their Fomorian curse.    
**Left in Spider Forest of the Feywild about to head to Hag**

Rewards Granted

  • harvested 2 Fomorian evil eyes
  • 1 bottle of pus
  • 1 Almiraj horn
  • Gemstone of unknown type

  t Combat Experience: 7800 (1560 Each) | Total: 24,560 (Next Goal: 34,000) t  

Missions/Quests Completed


Character(s) interacted with

Area Map | Kampos (Feywild)
The Feywild is technically an echo of the material plane, but due to many factors time and space can stretch and bend. So it is near impossible to truly map the Feywild, as well as how the plane will affect people differently so a map for one person might not totally work for another.   this is a rough idea of how it affects The Mighty Menagerie during their travels in 2020 as they sought to help the Village of Skola Vale

Session 32: Curses! Bunnies! Ugly Giants! Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
04 Jun 2022
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie


This article has no secrets.