Session 031: Stop Hitting Yourself Report

The Menagerie are tested by Tharros

General Summary

The Mighty Menagerie (3)


Around... Fellnight 08, 2020KC (☣️Feywild Time☣️)

  Feywild Fields North of Skola Vale, Feywild, Skola Vale The Dark Rain Forest, Kampos   There was more talking with Brother of Shadow Belly of a Beast.    
The Dryad is from Village of Skola Vale and would really like to get back.   Dryad: "Um, I do know my way I mean, if you guys have other things you guys have to do, I understand I if the other prisoner that was with me, I, I can show him how to get back there as well if that's the case. And then I mean, I'm sure we'll be fine. I know a few little shortcuts."   Barlo asked Brother of Shadow Belly of a Beast about the last time he had seen Mellow Robin "Mellow". Beast says it was months ago. Also: "Yeah. As far as I can remember, it seemed like it was months ago. But I'm not going to lie. I don't know how long I've been in that in that hole. To be honest, the time has been very odd since I've been here. Not to mention it's not like I was able to track any time well."   Barlo also asked who took her, he was just with her last year.   Beast: "Yeah, I when I tried to rescue her, she was being held by Bargle. He and the Satyr Warlock of Tharizdun were responsible for him for hiring me to get that book and then after that, they ended up taking her away at some point. And so when I realized that they had her, I went to go try and see if I can get her back.   And I wasn't really able to."
    The party got Journal of Grognard, Meenlock Caves opened and a music began to play softly before it quickly stopped. this is a Wizard's book and the sigil is of Grognard.   He raised Bastion Bladesinger, and was a friend of Barlo as a child, and visited the party at the Black Obelisk, as part of the Two Obelisk Strangers.  
The Journal of Grognard, Meenlock Caves has a latch.   Barlo picks the lock and then when he finally gets it to click, he hears some strange tune play in the air.   Bastion rumminates on how best to learn more about this item. He is sure if a Wizard of merit, or Grognard himself, was here it would be no problem. Examining it he knows this is a protected book for a Wizard of some sort. These can tend to be magically and mechanically trapped. He attempts to Identify it -- not magical, persay. It does have some elements of magic though, but nothing that the Identify spell can discern. He also sees the sigil he identifies as being that for Grognard.   He also thinks of the melody, is it a song he remembers Grognard singing?   Calliope thinks about what she heard and recalls how it sounded.   Barlo pulls out some old torn sheets with musical notations: "does this look like what you're playing? Is this what you're playing? Because I have no idea how to read this."   Barlo pulled out some music sheets he had and Calliope Galanodel matched the song to the book and 'success'. She notices a similar chord progression between what she heard and what the paper has -- assuming the missing piece is what she heard.   She plays it on her pan flute.   Bastion starts going over ways to reach Grognard. He realizes he can't use the Scroll of Telescription as he is on another plane. He doesn't have a Message spell or similar magic.   He writes a note that he needs to get a hold of Grognard and puts it in the Enderbox. They mystical shadow that usually exists on the bottom of the box is gone. Probably also because of them being on another plane. He tries the Scroll of Telescription anyways, also no luck.   So, Barlo picks the lock again, and as the melody begins, Calliope finishes the tune.   Barlo doesn't recall how these sheets got into his possession, only remembers that he has had them for a long time.
  It is mostly in Netherese, Loross to be more exact - an ancient language of the Netherese. It has drawings of various items throughout. The book is full of various types of paper and some are very thin sheets of some metal-like substance.   There are blueprints of the Adventurer Class Airship as well.   Beast was acting very strange.   Someone asked Beast whey he was trying to stop them from looking into the book. He replies that he wasn't, he only knows it is very important to the ones holding Mellow Robin "Mellow". He doesn't want anything bad to happen to the journal.   They ask if he might know where to start looking for Bargle, where he might have taken Mellow Robin "Mellow" or anything else he heard or saw. The reply was that he knew where she was, but it's doubtful they are still there. They were already moving when he was brought to the Meenlock Caverns Skola Vale, Feywild Side. That's when the book was buried. Brother of Shadow Belly of a Beast believes that Bargle wanted the Meenlocks to also protect the book. It seems to have a lot of different types of secrets.   The party discusses if they should go try to find the siblings, or continue in the Hag hunt.   Discussing Beast and Dryad going back to Village of Skola Vale he says he can take the book with him. Shadow says: "I don't trust you, beast. You've already proven that you're willing to do anything and risk anyone to have this book. You don't deserve it."   Beast: "I don't want the book I think it just might be a way to get her back. That's all.   I'll take her back to the Village and I'll wait there for you guys to come back OK?"   The party sent Beast and Dryad back to Village of Skola Vale.   Barlo brings up his sisters, Mellow Robin "Mellow" and Sapphire Branch "Branch". He also does not seem to like Brother of Shadow Belly of a Beast.   Sas W.T. Rayce has the book in her shell, the party acts as if Bastion Bladesinger has it -- in case Beast has a plan.   Shadow says: "He betrayed very good people in the village to get this book. He used to do it I've no idea what he's doing and people got hurt. Good people got hurt for this book. I don't know why he wanted the book.   She got the book? Yeah, so I don't know who he's working for. I don't know how long he's working for people. I don't know he's by himself. I don't know if he's with the group. I feel like I don't know anything about him, so I just don't trust him. Don't let him anywhere near maybe we still pretend like."   Shadow in the Snow talks about how Brother of Shadow Belly of a Beast would work a lot of odd-jobs as a laborer or doing crafts.   Barlo's older sister, Sapphire Branch "Branch" trades in jewelry and gemstones. An artisan who makes jewelry.   Off to find the Hag...   Off in the far distance a Unicorn is spotted jumping from cloud to cloud and changing the colors of the clouds. It is white with a bright orange mane.   They see a well made of a chrome looking brick material. it is about 2-3 feet high, 3 feet diameter with a quicksiilver liquid in it.  

  Metallic "Water Well" in the Feywild, Feywild   Calliope Galanodel touches it with her glove to learn more of it, and she disappears.   Discussion about a rope. Someone threw in a Rock.   Bastion Bladesinger has Princess Fly into it...   Arktos sniffs it, and as he touches it -- he falls asleep   Arcana check, it contains magic.   Shadow in the Snow uses Beast Sense to see through th eyes of the sleeping Arktos. He is in a very deep Sleep.   ... Princess sems to have gone to her plane.   Shadow in the Snow grabbed Arktos and touched the well, but Arktos stayed behind - still asleep and he was left behind.   They all touch the well...   The party finds themselves falling very slowly in a circular orange room with chrome and mirror everywhere.  

  In the center of the room is Tharros the Wanderer.  
Tharros the Wanderer: "I knew that with you guys, the well would bring you here. I've been watching you. At first, it was because I wanted my stuff back.   Then I realized the Monster Hunting Guide was a bit outdated and I have a better copy, besides most of the notes in that one are not true.   I'm not too concerned with the notes and the book you took from Fistandia was a temporary experiment. No longer works and it's a good thing as it is in your Bag of Holding."  
  5 liquid puddles turn into metallic reflections of the party.  



The Battle:

☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ...

t Combat Experience: **Complicated** | Total: 23,000 (Next Goal: 23,000) t   t Group Levels up to Level 7 t
  They are rewarded with a chest that had some great awards:      
**Left in at the well in the Feywild Fields North of Skola Vale heading to Spider Forest of the Feywild **

Rewards Granted


  t Combat Experience: **Complicated** | Total: 23,000 (Next Goal: 23,000) t  
t Group Levels up to Level 7 t

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Got to the plains. Fell for Tharros' trap. Defeated the chrome doppelgangers


  • Saw unique Feywild creatures.
  • Tharros had set a chrome well trap.
  • Defeated the doppelgangers.
  • The monster book is outdated. The "Mordenkainen" book by Fistandia doesn't work?
  • What is up with Tharros and what is he testing for?
Area Map | Kampos (Feywild)
The Feywild is technically an echo of the material plane, but due to many factors time and space can stretch and bend. So it is near impossible to truly map the Feywild, as well as how the plane will affect people differently so a map for one person might not totally work for another.   this is a rough idea of how it affects The Mighty Menagerie during their travels in 2020 as they sought to help the Village of Skola Vale

Session 31: Stop Hitting Yourself Report

Table of Contents

The Wild Cards
Bastion Bladesinger
Sas W.T. Rayce
Calliope Galanodel
Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Smuggler)
Barbarian 8
85 / 85 HP
Shadow in the Snow
Report Date
20 May 2022
Secondary Location
Wild Cards
Organization | Aug 22, 2024

The Heroes of Outding Refuge and Kampos

Timeline of The Wild Cards
Generic article | Jul 11, 2024

A simplified view of key events for the campaign of The Mighty Menagerie