The abyssal language was the language of demons and chaotic-evil outsiders. Infernal script.
Aquan is the language of the water-based creatures. Elvish script.
Auran is the language of the air-based creatures. Draconic Script
Celestial is the language of the Celestials and Angels. Celestial Script.
Common is the language of the humans, halflings, half-creatures, and most anyone doing trade. Common script.
Deep Speech is the language of the aberrations in the Material Plane. no recognized script.
Draconic is the language of the dragons, kobolds, troglodytes, lizardfolk, and other dragonborn species. Draconic script.
Druidic is the language of the Druids only. Druidic script
Dwarvish is the language of the Dwarves. Dwarvish script.
Elvish is the language of the Elves as they left the Feywild. Elvish script.
Giantish is the language of the Giants and ogres. Dwarvish Script
Goblinish is the language of the goblins, goblinoids, hobgoblins, and bugbears. Dwarvish script.
Halfling Language is the language of the Halflings. Common script.
Ignan is the language of the Fire-based creatures. Draconic script.
Infernal is the language of the devils and tieflings. Infernal script
Orcish is the language of the orcs. Dwarvish script
Primordial is the language of the Elementals. Dwarvish script
Sylvan is the language of the fey. Elvish Script
Terran is the language of the xorn and other earth-based creatures. Dwarvish script.
Undercommon is the language of the of the Drow and underdark traders. Elvish script.
Gnollish is the language of the gnolls. Common script.
Gnomish is the language of the gnomes. Dwarvish script.