Session 69: The Mark of the Adventurer


16/10 19:00
17/10 6:00

  The Wild Cards are still in Eberron and are the only ones known to ever receive the Dragonmark of the Adventurer

Wild Cards


Redfall 16, 2023 KC, Evening (on Dierde, at least)

  Floating Keep of Tharros Near Outding   Recap
A species of creatures has long been Dead and someone was erasing knowledge of it from all sources.  
              Bast puts them in a protective bubble of magic force to protect them as the ring in the sky is breaking apart Sending shards of Crystal from space. They tell the party that they may be recepients of a magic "mark" that will enable them to assist in repairing the Orb of Eberron, Crafting a Gem to revive Gearlock, and to recraft their weapons as they are being tracked by Ursa.   Barlo doesn't care about his weapon. Shadow asks what will change. The weapons will be altered, and they should be better than what they had before.   The plan is to go to a Creation Forge, these are the Arcane Forges of Eberron long used to create the Warforge. Now outlawed and banned to use. Bast says she believes they come from the Spellweavers and are to be found in almost every realm.   Sas asks about the Mark, and they learn about Eberron's marks which are a part of their societies. A rare sign of one gifted with magical powers in various ways. There seems to be a mark unlike any other, it is the Mark of the Adventurer. The mark is supposed to help with the forging here and other things...   The party realizes that they are inside of the Orb of Eberron in its final days, this destruction was slowly occuring within the orb they hold.   Barlo asks if they help stop the destruction, does that affect the orb. Bast says they believe it might since the party is not of this realm, and by being of another realm it could change things. Even a minor influence, such as helping defeat the Lord of Blades. Bast is going to leave soon, but wants to give them some time if they have questions as she won't be able to speak with them again until they get to her home. The only reason she could do this was due to the very large obelisk at the Floating Keep of Tharros Near Outding. Sas remembers how they are sure of how to get to the City in a Mirage. She asks if they are on the right track. Bast said she hadn't pushed them to go too fast as the journey is just as important as it helps them gain power which they will need when they get there.   The food is enough to stave off Exhaustion and to fill up their HP. They were warned to not take a nap or long rest here as it can be dangerous.   Sas asks if there is anything else they need before they get there, Bast says not really - besides the orb. She thanks her for not using the orb's power as it is dangerous and corrupting. They are of unlimited power, but dangerous.   Shadow asks if there is anything else they can know about the goal... Bast says she can't really tell them much right now as it is all a part of a ritual to save her pharoah. There will be challenges that they seem to be preparing for with their journey.   This is a short rest.     The party thinks of the conversation they overheard when they died.   The conversation between the gods in session 68
female: .. You know when I represent these of my kind I prefer Bast.   Male: Fine, Bast,…   Bast: Thank you, Silvanus. I only came in this form as I know it pleases you and your Faerunian kind the best…   Silvanus: Bast, what you ask is no longer done. We let them choose these returns.   Bast: Silvanus, I know you don't like my plan to return my brother -- but I am sure in the end it will help our kind. All of our kind.   Silvanus: Bast, we don't know how your judgemental brother may be these days.. Labelas has had difficulties in seeing to the Toril past and how it connects with this Dierde ever since that Human interloper… well since his hexad-soul-split working for Mystra to be fair, but the one that messed with time it has even changed so many parts of fate that most gods are almost of the mind to release Tharizdun and be done with it anyways. They no longer Fear it will be the final death, and some almost seem to welcome it either way.   Bast: Silvanus, there is no fun in death -- besides of they feel no longer tethered by the tablets of fate then why not bring my brother back? Besides the pharoah's rebirth he can help any gods seeking their time to float in the Astral Sea. Besides… these Wild Cards may be the key to re-igniting the old Realms. I have some ideas, but we have to bring them back at least this one time. I think if we [garbled] then it will be like travelers from Eberron and not some deific intervention. That will keep the Raven off our backs for, not like a kitty is ever really afraid of a silly bird -- but her and I have made our arrangements when I can get away with toying with the deaths of these mortals that I don't need her changing those deals.   … hard to hear ...   Silvanus: And what of the Feylords?   Bast: They don't keep that close an eye on their Eladrin and feyfolk when they cross into the Prime, you know that. Besides, if my ultimate plans Work… they will find so many more canvases to create upon. Besides, Titania's avatar in the Vale is quite smitten with this group and relies on them to help protect their stake in the Prime… Which is also why I think Labelas will want us to help this group… If they help that interloper out of the time stream he can regain his control and it should be a reason why the Raven might not be as confrontational when she learns of what I know about Jergal   Silvanus: what about Jergal?   Bast: Oh, I can't tell you yet. The death of Vecna is still too fresh, deifically-speaking and that avatar might still return in which case I will lose control of the plot. Not gonna lie, love -- but the focus is on my people first, because even I fail to save Dierde I can still save my people… I have contigencies. Some forget that I come from the War Domain of our flock and I don't always fight on the open battlefield. My machinations come from the shadows, but they succeed.   Silvanus: I hope you are right. I am risking a lot with this…   Bast: You are risking everything, but it is the only chance we have…   An earpiercing scream…. Then Silence. The Slow sound of sand as you are now buried in sand… you feel it choking you….   Then it is gone.   A whisper in your ears, Bast it sounds like.   Bast:I have given you a chance. You died in that tower, but I think we have a way to bring you back, first though I need you to assist someone for me…
  Barlo thanks her for saving their lives, and asks if there will be any problems with other dieties with what she did here.... specifically with Jergal.   She says it shouldn't as Eberron doesn't exactly have Deities like other realms, so that avoids a lot of problems. Additionally, she was able to transport them quick enough for the death to not exactly "register" with Jergal, so he should be unaware. Since they will return via a transport from another realm it will seem as if they went to another realm and came back, nothing to do with death. It's a loophole.   Shadow asks if they would be able to come back here. Bast says the Planewalkers have their ways -- looks at the Halfling. She says she is not sure if this the kind of plane they would want to come to and at that moment a large Crystal shard hits their forcefield. Bast continues with saying that hopefully with them stopping the Warforge invasion it might help the people here in being able to take care of other things.   Barlo asks if the forge is where the warforged are created. Yes. he worries about the knowledge of that Creation and if it can happen in Dierde. He fears Ursa doing it. Bast says Ursa was seemingly trying such an event, with Gearlock. Shadow asks if that is why she wanted the orb, and Bast believes she did plan on using its power for such a ritual. Although Bast says it wouldn't have worked out the way Ursa would have wanted. The orb would have destroyed the island nation.   It was damaged in the ritual Ursa had used with the Beholder. She looks at Amalgam who says he is sure he can repair the orb if the party do have the marks and can assist with the Silver Flame.   Bastion asks about the marks and what they mean. Amalgam notes that he is sure, based on what Bast has said to him, that the Wild Cards possess the unique mark within them which will help with handling the Silver Flame. As he understands it they unlock power within the individual. Shadow asks if they will benefit them when they leave, and Amalgam is sure they should.   They also learn that Pradam's realm has no magic.   The only time restraint is that the party can't Sleep here.   The Warforge pulls out a side pouch with their reward. It is a Bag of Holding, he then pulls out an Enchanted Glyphstone. 5 bars of Adamantine, worth 1,000gp each wt. 1 lb. ea. a ring, bracers, and a Potion.   The bracers turn out to be Bracers of Celerity   Acid Sling Ring   and a Potion of ....   Gearlock has an Enchanted Glyphstone so they will able to communicate with him. Gearlock had died, but his body somehow was being moved around realms it seems. The party here had spent over a decade to find him. and the Halfling planewalker NTO had a connection with Bast so she was able to secure this deal.   Bast brings up they need to repair the Orb of Eberron as they will need 4 orbs for the ritual for the pharoah.   Barlo asks who the Warforge are and who are they fighting and why. These Warforge are fighting for the Lord of Blades who wants to eradicate all other sentient life not Warforge. He has powerful connections to stop any powerful force here in stopping him, but by using people from another realm it is possible this can stop his forces.     When they are ready. Bast says until she sees them again, best of luck. Hopes they make it in time.   the Halfling plays a flute and they Teleport to a mountain. The ring is still breaking apart, but shifted, so same planet but different place. The Warforge looks around the cliff wall and his hand goes inside the wall. an Illusion. The others go into the Illusion. The party does as well.     It is dark, but the Warforge has a torch. Various twists and turns. Finally they get to a wall where he tells them to go through so they can be tested for the mark.     As they enter it is very dark, as the eyes adjust there is a soft glow with veins of crystals like they saw in the Kaiju, with a soft glow. As they get to the Dead end they drift and find themselves alone.     Shadow's test
  What is your greatest strength?   curiousity   What is your greatest weakness?   curiousity     What is your greatest curiousity that eludes you?   What is the connection with Bast to her people, to Shadow, and this whole thing?     It tells them they can put their hand in the fire if they are willing to take on the mark.  
      Calliope's test
  What is your greatest strength?   A distraction for others so they can temporarily forget reality.   What is your greatest weakness?   Plays into the same as she isn't taking things serious enough.     What is your greatest curiousity that eludes you?   purpose     It tells them they can put their hand in the fire if they are willing to take on the mark.  
      Barlo's test
  What is your greatest strength?   Like helping others and selfless when risking for others... courage? selflessness maybe (a bit of a lie, but not really)     What is your greatest weakness?   arrogance... no cynicism. cynical when others come off as altruistic     What is your greatest curiousity that eludes you?   More about himself. His ancestry and where it came from, especially with the beast transformations. What am I?    
      Sas's test
  What is your greatest strength?   Appreciation for life, spores and others     What is your greatest weakness?   Trust in others     What is your greatest curiousity that eludes you?   How everything in life is connected...  
      Bastion's test
  What is your greatest strength?   Determination     What is your greatest weakness?   Over confidence     What is your greatest curiousity that eludes you?   Mastering of magic & bladesinging.. I think that was what said...  
  So they all pass and are able to gain the mark if they put their hands into the Silver flame.   They go down and see a ring of stones with a silvery flame burning. A hallway to the right.     Also the voices they heard were genderless and at timed multiple voices it would seem.   The party come down and Amalgam tells them to come down.   Shadow puts her fist in the fire. On the back of her neck a small marking appears made almost of the crystals it would seem.   Sas does the same, it goes on the top of her left foot.   There hands are lit with the silvery flame.   Barlo does the same, the mark is directed to the base of his back. It even affects the fur of the Tabaxi.   Bastion tries to scoop his hands through and they are lit. His on the top of his right hand   Calliope directs hers to her left ankle.  
  The Mark of the Adventurer bestows upon them the choice of one new power:  
  • Advantage on initiaves
  • add 1d10 to high and long Jump
  • add 1 skill proficiency or language
  • learn 1 cantrip form any list
  • Unarmed attacks add +1d3 damage of bludgeon
  Next session the players made their choices, which were:
    Now Amalgam says that he thinks that should Work. He takes them to another room that is encircled with magma. He then asks for the Orb of Eberron, which Sas hands over. He points to an apparatus where he wants the Silver flame put and the others start messing with some dials elsewhere.  
  One by one they put their hands into an opening where the flame then leaves their hands, it lights up the magma that is being funneled into this machine and from there it goes out to the outside magma, now it is mixed in it.   sparks start to shoot across some wires   Amalgam throws in some various items and jewelry, then with some crystals from Eberron he starts to Work on the orb. Hammers things and works on it.   As he hammers there is something going on above them. Dust from a stalagtite. As the party tries to make things out it begins to crack and it falls. it was hollow and had a large automoton Warforge Creation. Warforged Titan has been released.    



link to creature page here

The Battle:



  Bastion casts Haste, then bonus action: Bladesong.   Calliope casts True Strike, choosing to lock in Weapon's True Strike. Using it with her crossbow and it misses.   Shadow shoots a few times.   Sas Shillelagh, misses. It hits the club aside.   Barlo rages, swipes with his claws... recklessly. one hits.   The Titan takes some spore damage from Sas. It then strikes out with an arcing attack of its blade to those around it. Including Amalgam.  


  Bastion Attacks. Also he can switch whichever True Strike when he can normally change them out. so he attacks/attacks/weapon True Strike/weapon strike   Calliope casts True Strike again, and it hits. black viscous with red tinges fluid comes out where the crossbow hits.   Shadow shoots her bow. Arktos moves. Arktos also grants some healing with his gives a hoot ability.   Sas moves. Shillelagh and hits.   Barlo takes his swipes. hits.   The Titan takes some spore damage which hits into a weakened plate exposed by Barlo. Just as it was going to hammer onto Sas.    
☠️ killed by Sas (Spores)

t Combat Experience | 2000 ea Total: 100000 (Next Goal: 100,000 ) t
  Shortly after this the Warforge has a spark of Silver flame from the apparatus shoot into the orb.
That should do it, he says as he hands over the orb to Sas. He then reminds them how Ursa has been tracking them and he is sure he can reforge their weapons.   He is able to magically transform the weapons into new weapons, now with additions of the purplish Mournlode Dragonshard crystals   Each has to strike a hammer during the process, and each time that Amalgam works on the Crafting he has to put various items and jewelry into the "flames"   Bastion gets a +2 Rapier of Eberron, +1d8 Thunder damage, Parry +1 AC when wielding   Callipe gets a +2 shortsword of Eberron, radiant (1d8), glancing blow   Shadow gets a +2 Longbow of Eberron, +2d8 force   Sas gets a +2 Club of Eberron, poison 1d8, Crit on a 19/20   Barlo gets a Claws of Eberron +2, acid 1d8, crits on a 19/20   He needed a common magic item to do this one as it was changing the shape of the weapon-- he threw it in the fire.   Throws a red Gem into the fire, then holds a different orb into the flames. This one takes all the Silver flame and has electric sparks. then tells the Halfling NTO they are ready. She plays some notes on the flute and they go back to Dierde...   Retcon: Barlo wanted to have talk to him about Warforge... They can do this on the ship as they plan on going with the party to Thornwinds   They are back in the keep and the tunnels to the basement are blocked with debris.        

  t Combat & Milestone Experience | 2000 ea Total: 100000 (Next Goal: 100,000 ) t

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