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Berserkers are warriors who use their rage to fuel them in battle. While Berserk, they become engines of death, tearing enemies apart with melee weapons and shrugging off attacks. Berserkers tend to come from less civilized areas, and often balk at the etiquette expected in more advanced societies.

Racial Class Notes

Favored Class Races

These races get a -2 XP Adjustment bonus if they select this class

Gorgons, Hobgoblins, Orcs, Wendigos

Disfavored Class Races

These races require The Hardest Path perk & suffer a +2 XP Adjustment penalty

Dokaleves, Elves, Espers

Class Features

Main Features

Barbaric Advance: You gain a +5 Morale bonus to all movement attributes and Athletics checks while Berserk. If you took the Demonic Rage tradition, these bonuses remain even while not Berserk, and you get an additional +2 while Berserk as a Profane bonus.
  Barbaric Tradition: You must select a barbaric tradition to fuel your berserker rage. You may choose either Wilderman, Blood Dancer, Unbreakable Fury, Mental Shift, Demonic Rage, or Ancestral Wrath.
  Berserk: You fly into a rage. While active, you become affected by Berserk, which acts in place of Enrage; you cannot be affected by both at once, and Berserk takes precedence over Enrage. You suffer a -15 penalty to Reflex, but gain a bonus to melee and throwing weapon attack rolls equal to half your Proficiency bonus, and inflict more damage with such attacks equal to your Level. Your Fortitude increases by +10 and Willpower by +15. Finally, you gain a Bubble of temporary HP, equal to twice your Level; this Bubble disappears either when all temporary HP is depleted or your leave Berserk. All such bonuses are Morale bonuses. After ending Berserk, you become affected by lethargy for 60 seconds (6 rounds). You must spend 5 CP to become Berserk, and an additional 5 CP every turn to remain Berserk. You cannot enter Berserk while Lethargic, Fatigued, or Exhausted.
  Buckler Proficiency: You are proficient in the use of Bucklers. You also reduce the somatic failure chance while using a shield by 5%.
  Deeper Tradition: You gain additional bonuses from your barbaric tradition.
  Heavy Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in the use of Heavy Shields. You also reduce the somatic failure chance while using a shield by 20%.
  Invincible Rage: While Berserk, your Constitution increases by +2 per instance of this feature as a Morale bonus. If you took the Unbreakable Fury tradition, this bonus rises to +3 per instance.
  Light Armor Proficiency: You are proficient with all non-powered light armors and may equip them. You also reduce your somatic spell failure rate from armor by 15%.
  Light Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in the use of Light Shields. You also reduce the somatic failure chance while using a shield by 10%.
  Martial Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with Arbalests, Arming Swords, Bardiches, Battleaxes, Billhooks, Broadaxes, Carbines, Chainaxes, Chainlances, Chainsabers, Chainswords, Claymores, Combat Shotguns, Compound Bows, Compound Crossbows, Cutlasses, Daneaxes, Estocs, Flame Rifles, Flame Sabers, Flamethrowers, Giant Axes, Glaives, Greataxes, Greathammers, Greatscythes, Grenade Launchers, Halberds, Hand Bombs, Handaxes, Heavy Flails, Heavy Mauls, Heavy Picks, Jians, Khandas, Kukris, Lances, Light Flails, Light Mauls, Light Picks, Longbows, Longswords, Lucernes, Machine Guns, Machine Pistols, Morning Stars, Naginatas, Nodachis, Onos, Photon Sabers, Pikes, Plasma Blades, Plasma Rifles, Poleaxes, Rapiers, Recurve Bows, Revolvers, Ripper Guns, Rocket Launchers, Sabers, Schiavonas, Scimitars, Scythes, Shamshirs, Shortbows, Shortswords, Sniper Crossbows, Sniper Rifles, Sonic Rifles, Sonic Shotguns, Spiked Flails, Submachine Guns, Tachis, Talwars, Tantos, Teghas, Tomahawks, Trench Knives, Tridents, Uchigatanas, and Wakizashis.
  Medium Armor Proficiency: You are proficient with all non-powered medium armors and may equip them. You also reduce your somatic spell failure rate from armor by 35%.
  Mighty Rage: While Berserk, your Strength increases by +2 per instance of this feature as a Morale bonus. If you took the Blood Dancer tradition, this becomes an Agility bonus instead.
  Primal Stubbornness: You increase all of your endurances except for Kinetic and Void by 2 for every instance of this feature as an Expertise bonus. If you took the Ancestral Wrath tradition, you also gain a +1 bonus to your Kinetic endurance per instance.
  Rage Powers: You may select any combat or fighting style talent you qualify for. Alternatively, you may take a unique Rage Power to further augment your Berserk mode.
  Rugged Toughness: Your Kinetic endurance increases by +3 for every instance of this feature as an Expertise bonus. This bonus becomes +4 per instance if you took the Wilderman tradition.
  Simple Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with Batons, Caesti, Canes, Cudgels, Daggers, Darts, Dirks, Handguns, Hatchets, Heavy Maces, Hunting Rifles, Javelins, Laser Pistols, Laser Rifles, Leather Whips, Light Katar, Light Maces, Light Poles, Longspears, Machetes, Metal Knuckles, Pistol Crossbows, Plasma Pistols, Recurve Crossbows, Riot Guns, Shillelaghs, Shortspears, Slingshots, Slingstraps, Spiked Knuckles, Stilettos, Throwing Knives, Throwing Sticks, Truncheons, and War Balls.
  Spiked Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in the use of Spiked Shields. You also reduce the somatic failure chance while using a shield by 15%.
  Too Angry to Die: Capstone feature. While Berserk, you continue fighting even when below 0 HP, until brought below your death threshold. Every turn, you must make a death saving throw as normal, and only if you roll below a 10 will you fall unconscious. If you also have the Diehard talent, you never make death saving throws while Berserk and dying; all such throws are automatic successes.
  Unarmored Defense: While wearing only clothes or naked, you increase your Fortitude and Willpower by an amount equal to half your Constitution. If wearing any skimpy armor, you only apply this to your Willpower. If you took the Mental Shift tradition, you gain half the Fortitude bonus to your Reflex.
  Unyielding Rage: You no longer become Lethargic after Berserk, and reduce the CP needed to remain Berserk per turn by 1. If you took the Mental Shift tradition, you reduce the CP per turn cost of Berserk by another 2.

Additional Notes

”Master” Prestige Class

Barbarian Chief


Ancestral Wrath Tradition: You are a vessel for your ancestors’ fury. While Berserk, you emit an aura of energy that provides additional protection, allowing you to add half your Spirit to your Fortitude. Any enemy that ends its turn within 1 panel of you in this state must make a Constitution saving throw equal to [30 + Level + Proficiency bonus], or else suffer Radiant/Heat damage equal to your Spirit. After gaining the Deeper Tradition feature, the fiery aura affects enemies up to 2 panels away, and you gain slow regeneration 2 while Berserk.
  Blood Dancer Tradition: You combine graceful movements, ancient dance, and inner fury to become a whirlwind of death. You get the Two-Weapon Fighting talent for free as part of this tradition, even if you do not meet the attribute requirements. You no longer gain a Fortitude bonus from Berserk, but also no longer suffer a Reflex penalty, either. Upon gaining the Deeper Tradition feature, you gain a +8 Fortitude and Reflex Morale bonus while Berserk.
  Demonic Rage Tradition: You’ve become attuned to malicious spirits, and carry out their will, whether wittingly or not. All bonuses you get from Berserk are doubled, the additional increase being a Profane bonus. However, each turn you remain Berserk, you must make a Wisdom saving throw equal to [20 + ½ Level], or else suffer Psychic/Dark damage equal to your own Proficiency bonus. After gaining the Deeper Tradition feature, all melee attacks you inflict while Berserk deal additional Psychic/Dark damage equal to half your Proficiency bonus, and you heal for half the amount of damage you cause with melee attacks (the sum, not the bonus damage). If an enemy is not damaged by the bonus damage, you cannot heal from the attack.
  Mental Shift Tradition: While not Berserk, you seem perfectly ordinary, but while angered, you become a bastion of seething hate and rage. You do not require an up-front cost to become Berserk and reduce the CP required per turn to remain Berserk by 1. You only become Lethargic for 30 seconds after ending Berserk. After gaining the Deeper Tradition feature, you are able to make 1 more attack during a Full Attack at no additional penalty.
  Unbreakable Fury Tradition: You’ve learned to enter a rage that renders you (seemingly) impervious to harm. While Berserk, your bonuses to Fortitude and Willpower are increased by +5, and the Bubble you gain becomes equal to 3x your Level. After gaining the Deeper Tradition feature, the Reflex penalty you suffer is reduced to -5, and you gain a +15 Morale bonus to all saving throws while Berserk.
  Wilderman Tradition: Your berserker rage comes from being raised as more animal than person. You do not fully grasp the nuances of civilized society, but refuse to be shackled or slain, vowing to survive at all costs. You get the Improved Unarmed Strike feature as part of this tradition. While Berserk, you may include a Bite attack as a Bonus action after making a Full Attack; if your race already gets a Bite attack, it inflicts an extra 5 baseline damage. When your HP falls below 20% while Berserk, you get a +5 Natural bonus to your melee attack rolls and Fortitude. Finally, you only take a baseline -10 Reflex penalty while Berserk. Upon gaining the Deeper Tradition feature, you gain a +6 Morale bonus to your Speed and +3 to your Awareness while Berserk.


Career Progression

Level 1: Buckler Proficiency, Light Shield Proficiency, Heavy Shield Proficiency, Spiked Shield Proficiency, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Berserk, Barbaric Tradition, Unarmored Defense, Barbaric Advance
Level 2: Rage Powers
Level 5: Rugged Toughness
Level 8: Rage Powers
Level 9: Primal Stubbornness
Level 10: Rugged Toughness
Level 14: Rage Powers
Level 15: Rugged Toughness, Mighty Rage
Level 18: Primal Stubbornness
Level 20: Rage Powers, Rugged Toughness
Level 21: Invincible Rage
Level 25: Rugged Toughness
Level 26: Rage Powers
Level 27: Primal Stubbornness
Level 30: Deeper Tradition, Rugged Toughness, Mighty Rage
Level 32: Rage Powers
Level 35: Rugged Toughness
Level 36: Primal Stubbornness
Level 37: Unyielding Rage
Level 38: Rage Powers
Level 40: Rugged Toughness
Level 42: Invincible Rage
Level 44: Rage Powers
Level 45: Rugged Toughness, Primal Stubbornness, Mighty Rage
Level 50: Rage Powers, Rugged Toughness, Too Angry to Die


Social Status

Berserkers are often seen as feral madmen, uncivilized and uncouthe. The worst among them are feared and hated by more progressive-minded people, as barbarians are not ones to concern themselves with social niceties.


Because of the steady advance of civilization and their short lifespans, barbarians make up about 1% of the global population, with berserkers being the most common.


Dangers & Hazards

Because of their recklessness, barbarians tend to put themselves into mortal peril while fighting, well beyond what most combatants risk.  


Since barbarians do not rely on magic, the League of Arcanists is unconcerned with them. However, many societies ban their general population from bearing arms, and barbarians may run afoul of the law in such countries.



Limiting Factors

Attribute Minimums

Strength: 15 
Constitution: 12 
Awareness: 5 
Intellect: 1
Wisdom: 1
Personality: 3 
Speed: 8 
Agility: 8 
Spirit: 1
Luck: 1

Perk Requirements


Disposition Restrictions


Other Limitations


Arcanists' League Legality

No concern

Class Skills

Major Class Skills

Antagonization, Athletics, Dungeoneering, Encumbrance, Intimidation

Minor Class Skills

Blacksmith, Botany, Breaking & Entering, Detect Stealth, Escape Artistry, Folklore, Hide, Huntcraft, Move Silently, Nature, Religion, Sexual Prowess, Vehicle Operation, Zoology

Class Attributes

XP Adjustment


Spellcasting Type / Proficiency / Resource


Weapons Training / Proficiency

Martial, Simple / Full

Shield, Instrument, & Spellbook Training / Shield Proficiency

Bucklers, Heavy Shields, Light Shields, Spiked Shields / Half

Armor Training / Proficiency

Clothes, Light Armor, Medium Armor / Half

Chi Proficiency


Technological Proficiency


Sneak Attack Maximum


Combat Pet


High Saving Throw


Medium Saving Throws

Constitution, Speed, Agility

Skill Points per Level

Intellect ÷ 2 + 12

Class Health Bonus

Constitution + (Spirit ÷ 2) + (10 × 2) baseline HP; (Constitution ÷ 2) + (Spirit ÷ 4) + 10 per Level thereafter

Class Memory Rate

1 + (Intellect ÷ 4) baseline value, +2/15 per Level

Class Initiative Bonus


Class Mobility Bonus


Weapon Base Attack Bonus

+5/5 per Level

Magic Base Attack Bonus

+1/5 per Level

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