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Yellow Glober

Yellow Glober or alternatively, Electric Glober, are an ethnicity of Glober that exist primarily on Glober Planet. Like almost all other Glober they have the ability to psychokinetically control an element in nature in the vicinity around them in the case of Yellow Glober, this element is electricity and electrical currents. Their 3 antennae are jagged and perfectly attuned to detect electrical currents from very far away. They can also detect the charge of atoms/ions around them and can also sense magnetic fields even if they are very weak.   Usually fidgety and restless by nature, Yellow Glober hold the peculiar Thunder Plateaus home, here the peculiar makeup of the minerals within cause magnetic and weather disturbances that create electrical storms in the atmosphere above. Across Glober Planet there are 6 main Thunder Plateaus. Levan, Fulman, Ohman, Racan, And Tawtan. These vicious storms have served to keep outsiders away and thus, throughout history they have been mostly safe from invasion though there is caveat. While fulminating and fierce the storms ls not endless and usually last only about 4-9 months of the year.   The "brain" of the agreement between tribes, Yellow Glober cultivate considerable intellect to go along with their considerable power. In fields of energy and technology they serve to benefit the other tribes in exchange for food and shelter which they can neither grow or easily hunt for nor have ability to easily create. Most Glober Planet technology is created by them. The lower Yellow families usually output their services to make a living in Sapped seasons in power and battery charging those who need it with the middle classes creating and powering bespoke technology for those that commission them. Higher class families often work with each other in forming companies that take on massive contracts to manufacture tech, vehicles, and devices for entire cities and communities that often pay them handsomely.   For better or worse Yellow Glober and their creations have been at the center for massive changes and paradigm shifts for not only all Glober but Dimension X as well.


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

These seasons are known between Yellow Glober as the Amped and Sapped seasons respectively. In which time the Sapped season is in effect the these Glober will depart from their secondary dwelling on the Plateau and spread out to any neighboring tribes and their towns. In this time, the tribe will typically exist in a mutually beneficial relationships with the other tribes by way of selling wares and advanced technology they have developed on the plateau and in return the others will typically permit them shelter and food for as long as the Sapped season take on commissions for them and their technological guilds and companies making the mass produced tech for mass production in domestic and military use or get feedback on their current commissions which can take multiple seasons to complete.  
  The Amped season marks the great congregation and coming together of the Yellow Glober to any Plateau nearby to them. In the coming week before a storm begins anew, the Yellow Glober can use their antennae to detect the subtle electromagnetic changes In the air. Instinctively they will be drawn to go to any nearby plateau with their anxiety and mental states growing increasingly worse with each passing day they do not return to one. Because of this, researchers have theorized the charge of the field has some linkage to the brain chemistry and physiology of Yellow Glober and is a pivotal part of their mental health. Upon returning, they will often settle into A communal residential space with the scarce belongings they have and the elders will convene together to discuss what they gathered and traded and gained during the sapped season. For the next few months they will stay there and many will naturally form groups to begin development and research at the facilities.
Yellow Tribal Relations Chart circa Suite I
A diagram of the general attitudes the separate tribes of Glober on Glober Planet have in regards to Yellow Glober in Suite I.
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