
The Eliminators are the ones that prefer this job and when a tournament asks for their services they are more than happy to take the job. They work for the International Disc Caster's Network as a way to make battle royale tournaments more interesting and to speed them up a bit.  
"Don't tell me you two are Eliminators too! We had enough of those shenanigans with Play Killer."



Being good at Disc Casters Trading Card Game to the point where they can beat some of the best players.

Payment & Reimbursement

$500 - $50,000 per gig

Other Benefits

Being able to participate in tournaments without having to officially be a competitor at the cost that the Eliminator cannot process in the tournament.



When contracted it is the Eliminator's job to thin out participants in a tournament so that only the correct number finalist reach the next round.

Social Status

Tournament Casters fear and don't like Eliminators and have been complaining to the IDCN how unfair the practice it saying that using Eliminators dampens the competitive spirit. On top of that, there have been a lot of rumors among casters that Eliminators use means outside of normal gameplay to get into their opponents' heads. The general public doesn't know much them except for the rumors and gossip that they hear from the casters.



Disc Caster TCG Decks are required to eliminate players from tournaments but most also use other gimmicks to get under their opponents' skin.


Wherever the tournament is.

Provided Services

The service is crowd control and making sure that only the correct number finalist advance.
For the most part, this job is legal.
Famous in the Field
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