Domino Effect
"On behalf of Domino Effect I help you to Caster's Kingdom!"Nathaniel Jackson
"On behalf of Domino Effect I help you to Caster's Kingdom!"Nathaniel Jackson
Disc Casters is released into the world.
Every year America was a national tournament for Disc Casters for several years up to this point Dominique Campbell has been the winner mainly because Aealious Igarashi doesn't attent this event. This year however Nathaniel Jackson the craetor of the game joins the tournament as the man to beat at the end. Dominique won the honor and lost the contest due to Nathaniel sudding with a boy in the audince. After the boy won Nathaniel called him the winner and Dominique's life fell apart.
The tech was created to make watching and playing Disc Casters more intersting but instead of selling to Go Down in Games: A Gaming Company Aealious Igarashi had other ideas.
A global tournament where the best of the best and some new unknowns compete for the title of King of Casters.