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Mae Shadowsprite

Mae Shadowsprite

Mae Shadowsprite is a Fairy soldier and member of the Vendilion Clique. She is currently hiding with Thorndale Moonbeam, whom she has convinced to assist her in returning to the Feywild.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mae appears as a tiny pale blue humanoid with big almond-shaped eyes with yellow sclera, black pupils, and no cornea. Her hair is a shimmering sapphire and cut short in a bob and she's dressed in a black tunic over grey drab trousers. She sports two bright, semi translucent blue butterfly wings that feature an intricate tearrop paisley pattern, though they are quite tattered.   In her fairy form, Mae keeps the same hair and wing pattern, but her body is far more insect-like. Her legs are plated with rough, spiked chitinous armor and jointed in three places, like the hind legs of a beast, with each toe ending in sharp talons. Her arms have the same chitinous appearance and each of her fingers is long, slender, and ends in a pointed claw. The pointed tips of her ears rise up above her hair and her yellow almond eyes appear sunken into teardrop-shaped ocular cavities. Her mouth appears curled into a permanent wicked grin with rows of razor-sharp teeth.

Identifying Characteristics

Mae can be identified by the raindrop pattern on her shimmering blue wings.

Apparel & Accessories

Mae is garbed in black leather armor with the crest of the Vendilion Clique sewn into the upper right shoulder. She has a crossbow strapped to one hip and a rapier strapped to the other, with a small rucksack strapped to her back between her wings.

Specialized Equipment

Mae carries a magical rapier called a Shade Needle that gives her the ability to see in total darkness, as well as the ability to snuff out all light within a 15 foot radius. It is the signature weapon of the Vendilion Clique.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mae was born shortly after the portal from the Feywild to Divostra had closed. Her parents raised her on stories of the horrible Eladrin; stupid, lazy creatures whom the Fae Queen Oona had bequeathed to the fairies, so that they would work while the fairies enjoyed leisure activities. Mae's upbringing taught her a deep respect for authority, lest the evil Eladrin God Corellon appear to take her away, as he did all misbehaving fairies. Such was the society in which she was raised, a chaotic culture reeling from the sudden mass exodus of their slave population.   Like any self-respecting fairy coming of age, Mae joined the Feywild military. The training was harsh, and Mae was small and weak, even by the standards of fairies, so it seemed like she wouldn't be cut out for service. It was during her training that she fell in love with another recruit, Damien Mondrake, a male fairy who helped train her body until she could go toe-to-toe with even the toughest fairy warriors.   Luck was on the fairies' side. One side-effect of the Sundering in Divostra was tears appearing in the barrier between planes. One such hole opened into the Feywild. For the fairies, it had been only two decades since the Eladrin had escaped the Feywild, while Divostra had aged several millennia. Oona, still furious at the Eladrin for their impetuousness, converted their standing army into an invasion force. Mae joined the Vendilion Clique, the scouting regiment of the Feywild army, and her squad was the first force to cross the rift into the Material Plane.   What the faeries didn't know was how unstable these rifts were. Mae's team made it through the portal and arrived in the Shandalian Forest, some one-thousand years after the Sundering. The portal immediately shut behind them in a bright flash of light, which attracted the notice of a nearby party of Green Guard soldiers. The fairies immediately set upon the elves, believing it would be a quick fight against poorly-equipped savages. But instead, the party was slaughtered and Mae found herself fleeing for her life into the forest.   Eventually, she came upon a friendly druid named Thorndale, whom offered to protect her and help this strange creature he'd never seen before back to the Feywild, unaware of the invasion force that was waiting just on the other side of the planar boundary.



Failures & Embarrassments

Mae feels great shame in fleeing after her party was slaughtered, losing to a bunch of elves, and also needing to rely on the help of a satyr to get back to her home.

Personality Characteristics


Mae has two goals while she's trapped on the Material Plane. The first is to learn as much as possible about the military capabilities and defenses of the Eladrin empire, and the second is to find her way safely back to the Feywild in order to report her findings. She hopes to one day earn the highest honor a sprite can earn in the fairy military: command of her own clique.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Mae is adept at twisting the truth to hide her true intentions. As a fairy, she can never outright lie, so she finds ways to steer conversations away from her reasons for being on Divostra.

Likes & Dislikes

Mae, like most fairies, has a visceral hatred for the Eladrin, whom they see as lesser beings that fled from their rightful role as slaves of the fairies.

Vices & Personality flaws

Mae is short-tempered and impatient. She will often forget herself in the heat of an argument and complains when things aren't moving quickly enough for her.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Attempting to return to the Feywild; scouting the Material Plane for a planned invasion
Current Location
Date of Birth
3rd of Dracanis, 8743 PS
Raven black hair in a bob
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale blue
5 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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