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Pale Corsairs

The Pale Corsairs are a band of pirates operating along the coast of Zandrazil. Headquartered on the Argent Isles, the corsairs are known to attack merchant ships navigating the Ruuldalai Sea, the Nhazdul Ocean, and areas of the Aubergine Coast outside of the Southern Barrier Reef.


The Pale Corsairs make their home on Silvershore, the largest island in the Argent Isle. They maintain outposts throughout the isles and regularly attack ships that venture into the waters surrounding the islands.

Foreign Relations

The Aubergine League was formed in response to repeated attacks by the Pale Corsairs against trading ships sailing along the Aubergine Coast. The city-states of the Aubergine League all label the Pale Corsairs enemies of the state and the military of the city-states have standing orders to sink any Corsair ships they encounter, execute captured pirate Captains and imprison the rest of the surviving crew.   The Corsairs approach toward the Aubergine League is to capture their ships intact, to add to their fleet. Commanding officers from the mainland are sent back to shore in rowboats along with any soldiers that do not defect to join the pirates, who will readily accept additions to their ranks from able-bodied fighters or people looking to escape their lives in Zandrazil.   The crime families in Quilport are on good terms with the Pale Corsairs, enlisting their aid to harass the fleets of rival merchants in exchange for money or


The Pale Corsairs follow a strict code of conduct agreed upon by all members in the organization.
  1. Every person is equal. Each has a say in affairs of moment, equal title to the fresh provisions, or strong liquors, at any time seized, and may use them at pleasure, unless a scarcity makes it necessary to ration for the good of all. If a person is caught engaging in theft, that person will have their ears and nose slit by the Dreadlord and then abandoned on the shore of the mainland, at least a day's walk from civilization.
  2. All weapons and clothing are to be kept clean and fit for service. Should accident or injury occur due to improper maintenance of a weapon, the owner of that tool will forfeit half their share of prize until the next time their ship returns to shore.
  3. No children shall accompany sailors on the open seas. Any sailor found to be harboring children will be given a days rations and abandoned on the mainland within a day's walk of the nearest settlement.
  4. Persons shall not come to blows while on the water; all disputes are settled at Silvershore either by word or sword. Should a fight break out on ship, all persons responsible will be imprisoned until the ship returns to shore, at which time the Dreadlord will have them punished by excising a tooth from each mouth (so any verbal arguments will cause them pain for the next several days).
  5. A person shall be beholden to the Corsairs until they have earned their share of one-thousand silver or the equivalent in goods. If a person deserts before they have earned their keep, they are to be considered persona non grata and will be killed on sight should they attempt to return to the Corsairs.
  6. Captains and Quartermasters receive twice the share of prize, the master, boatswain, and gunner one and a half shares, and other officers one and quarter.
  7. Musicians and entertainers may rest on the sixth day of the week; for all other persons, not without special favor.
  8. All vessels are the shared property of the Pale Corsairs and the Dreadlord.
Anything not covered by the code is handled at the discretion of the Captain of the ship, or the Dreadlord should an incident occur in Silvershore. Captains have the authority to mete out punishment in place of the Dreadlord if it is impractical for the ship to return to shore in a timely fashion.   Mutiny is not necessarily frowned upon among the Pale Corsairs, so long as order can be restored on ship following any sort of coup. Should a crew mutiny against its commanding officers and not return to Silvershore to rejoin the fleet and explain their actions to the Dreadlord, their ship will be considered stolen and a bounty will be placed on the heads of the mutineers until their vessel is returned to Silvershore.
Illicit, Pirate Crew
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Gift economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

At war


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