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Umun'sazedib (a.k.a. Calamity, Mawflame)

Umun'sazedib is an ancient red dragon whose territory encompasses the Gulf of Bennoth. He is the eldest living descendant of the greatwyrm Gibil'an'shalak, the greatest champion of the evil dragon god Tiamat. His lair is within the volcano Inkosazana on the island of Sundrop.

Physical Description

Body Features

Umun'sazedib is missing his left eye, with a large dark scar running from his brow ridge down to just below his jaw.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Umun'sazedib was born in the magma pools of Mount Ragnor, the largest volcano in Muspelheim. The eldest of his clutch, Umun'sazedib was sired by the ancient red dragon Nuska'enlil, who was known across the supercontinent of Vestan as Crimsondeath. Nuska'enlil taught her children from an early age that power was the greatest virtue, pitting her wyrmlings against one another both in tests of hunting ability as well as physical combat with one another. During an argument with one of his younger sisters, Umun'sazedib's sibling scratched his eye out; he responded by tearing out her throat in front of his mother and siblings. His other siblings learned to fear the largest of their brethren, as Umun'sazedib grew at a much quicker rate than the other wyrmlings of Nuska'enlil's brood.   Umun'sazedib was a young dragon when the Sundering occurred. He saw the massive explosion that destroyed the mountains to the east and lived through the long period of global darkness caused by the ash clouds that spread across the sky. When the crops failed, the various animals that made up a majority of the red dragon's food supply dwindled. This led to infighting among Umun'sazedib and his siblings, which only intensified when a band of adventurers trekked into the mountains and slew their mother, who had been antagonizing the fractured kingdoms that had once made up the Great Dwarven Empire .   Following their mother's death, Umun'sazedib's brood scattered across Divostra, seeking out mountain ranges separate from their brethren so that they would not be fighting over the meager food supply. The adult Umun'sazedib flew across the Gulf of Bennoth to Sundrop, where he found a thriving Mosi society working the land around the ancient volcano Inkosazana. The red dragon made his lair within the heart of the volcano and proceeded to conquer the island, forcing the tabaxi to flee westward to the Wandering Isles.   Umun'sazedib was arrogant and shortsighted. In driving away the tabaxi that had previously civilized the island, the great red dragon also drove away his main source of food and entertainment. As such, the dragon needed to expand his influence across the Gulf of Bennoth, raiding towns and villages from the coasts of Bennoth Mond all the way south to the plains of Gondril. The kings of these lands would send adventurers to slay the dragon they had cursed as Mawflame, but none returned from Sundrop.   In the heart of Inkosazana, Umun'sazedib discovered the charred skeleton of the massive red greatwyrm Gibil'an'shalak, laying where he had fallen following his slaying at the end of the Dracomachy. Umun'sazedib uncovered the ruby Dragon Core within the greatwyrm's tomb, having sensed the magical power which emanated from the artifact. Seemingly on impulse, the ancient red dragon tore out his damaged left eye and replaced it with the gem, infusing him with arcane might and knowledge that had been lost for millennia.   Shortly after uncovering the Dragon Core, Umun'sazedib was approached by envoys of the blue dragon Martu'amurruk. They flattered the ancient red dragon by speaking to the stories they heard from terrified mortals throughout the land, as well as bringing him mountains of gold to add to his horde. They prostrated themselves before the mighty dragon, informing him of their queen's plan to free Tiamat and imploring him to come to the blue dragon's aid. Umun'sazedib hesitated, considering the proposal, when whispers from the Dragon Core embedded in his eye began to turn his mind toward the goal of freeing the dragon queen. The ancient red dragon accepted and allowed the envoy to leave his domain alive, to tell their queen that the mighty red dragon would join the Chromatic Pact.
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Cococ Teopouhqui ("Calamity" in Tabaxi)
Mawflame (nickname given by humans)
Year of Birth
98 PS 938 Years old
Aligned Organization


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