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L3-37 Redgrave

L3-37 Redgrave (a.k.a. L3)

I'm L3-37 but everyone calls me L3. I used to have a more normal name but it has been forgotten ages ago. I am really sick, with my body attacking itself. To compensate we have been replacing bad body parts with new mechanical parts, using gnomish magic in the process. This is all through he gnome black market.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and lanky, the metal weighs a ton.

Body Features

some body parts have been replaced with cybernetic ones.

Facial Features

One deep blue eye, the other has been replaced with a mechanical setting and magical red glow. He hopes to one day upgrade this for something to help shoot. Strawberry red beard with deep red hair.

Identifying Characteristics

Half -elf and half autognome automiton.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

His parents were banished from their respective houses because their love was forbidden. He has an older sister who always looks out for him, ultimatly helping come up with the money to get hiom some of his upgrades.

Personality Characteristics


I hate bullies, as I have been bullied much throiughout my life. Now I have the upper hand and will fight back for those that can't themselves.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good with his hands and mechanically. Really good at thinking spacially. Hes still young and has a lot to learn, so still a little brash and quick to act. This means he doasn't always think through everything.

Likes & Dislikes

likes mechanicalk and engineering style things. Like guns... Dislikes cats, they just think they are king, often bullying others around them. and we know how much he hates bullies.

Virtues & Personality perks

My sister is my life, I would do anything for her, and I mean anything... its hard to gain my trust, but once you do its hard to get rid of it.

Vices & Personality flaws

I think I was dealt a shitty hand and therefore condem those that were born better off. Thus sometimes means that I can be cantancorous.

Personality Quirks

I always look for entrance and egress routes, as I often need to vacate an area quickly.


Clean as a wistle is the only way to do it. The only smell from him is gun and machine oil, with a sleight fragrance of vanilla.


Contacts & Relations

Mom Dad Sister - Vivienne Martin - Clinic Moe Boom - partners in crime, he likes to blow stuff up.

Hobbies & Pets

Disassemble mechanical things, figuring out how they work and go back together.

Wealth & Financial state

None that he knows wealth.

Brother of Vivienne. L3 half half-elf, half automaton. Young, brash, and always willing to stand up to a bully, any bully. He is always tinkering with some sort of mechanical device.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
24th of Aryth in 982 YK
One blue, One mechanical red with red magical glowing
Long flowing red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and nickel satin metal
5' 9"
Quotes & Catchphrases
If the gods designed it, I can build it. You'll only get one shot, then its my turn and I only need one.

A First Misadventure

Drank too much the night before. Got offered free booze for help getting rid of the rat problem. Fought the teenage turtles and splinter. Fired a pistol and took down one turtle, but made everyone deaf, lol. Woke up on the wormwood, all our pockets empty. After the antics of the crow nest climb, which the war-forged won (utilizing some cheating). Martin was selected for kitchen duty. Everyone else was assigned to swabbing duty. Though Nix got out of line and was whipped until she went unconscious.


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