Renna Sindarin
Renna Sindarin was always the odd one out in her family. While her siblings excelled in their studies and were celebrated for their magical prowess, Renna struggled to keep up with the academic rigors of Arcanix. Despite her struggles, Renna was fascinated by the magical arts and was determined to make a name for herself in the arcane world.
As she delved deeper into her studies, Renna became increasingly interested in necromancy and the forbidden arts. She was drawn to the dark side of magic, and began practicing in secret, hidden away from her family and peers.
It wasn't long before Renna's fascination with the darker arts was discovered. Her family was horrified and ashamed of her, and her siblings disowned her. Renna was cast out of her family and shunned by society. But she was undeterred, and continued to study and practice in secret, determined to prove herself and make a name for herself in the arcane world, no matter the cost.
Adamar Sindarin
Darfin Sindarin
Ailas Sindarin
Elas Sindarin
Valindra Sindarin