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Valindra Sindarin

Valindra Sindarin was the youngest female of the seven siblings in the Sindarin family, born and raised in Aundair. Like her older siblings, Valindra was sent to Arcanix to pursue a career in magic. However, unlike her siblings who pursued careers in academia and government, Valindra was drawn to the private sector.   After completing her studies at Arcanix, Valindra landed a job at a major alchemy company, specializing in the development of new drugs and magical compounds. Valindra quickly rose through the ranks, becoming one of the company's top researchers and executives.   Despite her success, Valindra became disillusioned with the cutthroat world of Big Pharma. She witnessed the company engage in unethical practices, such as testing experimental drugs on unwitting subjects and suppressing negative data about their products. Valindra began to question her place in the company and her role in perpetuating these practices.   Valindra's skepticism and questioning eventually led to her being ostracized by her colleagues and even her own family. But Valindra refused to back down and continued to push for transparency and ethical practices within the company. She even considered leaving the company altogether and using her magical expertise to help those in need.   As fate would have it, Valindra's path would cross with her younger brother Artemis Sindarin, who had become an investigator and detective. Despite their different paths, Valindra found a kindred spirit in Artemis and the two of them began to work together on cases. Valindra finally felt like she had found a true calling and purpose, using her magical talents for good instead of profit. Eventually Artemis and her parted ways when Octavius Elojoi went missing. She is still chasing leads here, while Artemis is investigating the Lhazaar Principalities.


Adamar Sindarin


Towards Valindra Sindarin


Valindra Sindarin


Towards Adamar Sindarin


Renna Sindarin


Towards Valindra Sindarin


Valindra Sindarin


Towards Renna Sindarin


Adamar Sindarin (Brother)
Renna Sindarin (Sister)


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