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The Gobo Alliance

Gobo Jungle, also known as the “Great Gobo”, is one of the lost provinces of The Darion Imperium. Majority it is populated by different variants of Lizardfolk species, but with a smaller presence of human colonists. There exist a few other intelligent species with a present in the Gobo Jungle but currently it is ruled by a religious cast of Saxhleel.    






Gobo Alliance continues to be a "backward" land economically by Imperial standards. Most of the agriculture is grown by subsistence farmers, infrastructure between the cities and resources location is none existing, and it lacks any advanced production of tools or weapons.   However what it lacks in infrastructure, factories or plantations. Is made up for in valuable trade goods. Fish, Ivory, Spices, Coffee, Tobacco, Dyes, Tropical wood.   The trade however is not very successful as the produce normally arrives to the Darion markets rotten, poor quality or quantity, and it takes a tremendously long time for the goods to get to the market.   Enormous investments attempting to improve the trade routes of Gobo Alliance have yielded little success in recent times. This has resulted in a weird situation where The Darion Imperium is financially supporting the Gobo Alliance with infrastructure spending to get access to the valuable trade goods.  

Citizen Demographics



The Lizardfolk population is majority in the Gobo Alliance  


The exit to big groups of goblins and multitude of smaller groups of the goblins kind in the Gobo jungle.  


The exist some Wild dwarves in the Gobo Jungle but the are verry few.  


They exist as an active present of wild elves in the Jungle and they earned the respect of the Saxhleel. The wild elves however hold a grudge against the sun elves for destroying their nation in the elven crown wars.  


After the fall of the first human empire so declared at that time a small number of tribal Lizardfolk leaders independence and fought a war against the human colonists. Later on a peace was established with the colonists with most humans driven towards the city Sentinel.   With the founding of The Darion Imperium so has the city of sentinel become an exterritorial territory. It is currently an important trade center for The Darion Imperium with The Gobo City Alliance.


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