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The Kingdom of Daln Aerathain

The Kingdom of Daln Aerathain is a nation of sun elves, (Ar-tel-quessir). it is old and has existed before the founding of "The imperium of Avanor" It was one of the founding and leading member of "Exalted Alliance".   While calling itself a kingdom it is technically a elective council that actually rule the nation. The throne stands empty as a reminder of the elven crown wars, the last noble lineage that has a claim on the throne went to exile 2000 years ago.  


  • Inspiration: Summerset
  • Primary Species: Sun elves, (Ar-tel-quessir), predominantly
  • Population: ~135.000.
  • Culture: Elvish, (Aerathain)
  • Form of Government: Constitutional Monarchy.
  • Society: LG, NG, LN.
  • Trade: Regulated.
  • Language: Celestial, Sylvan and Elvish, (Sun, Moon, Wood, Sea and Air), Dialects
  • Technological Level: Renaissance.
  • Military: Professional Army, Conscription.
  • Religion: Seldarine.

Trade & Economy

The Kingdom of Daln Aerathain has such an advance society that they are able to import basic resources to turn it to advance goods for export. They however have no basic resource that is mass exported.   The infrastrucre of most of the cities in the kingdom is suported with advance magic.   The Kingdom of Daln Aerathain is the only nation that has trade realtions with Aquatic elves, (Alu'Tel'Quessir).   The island of Aerathain is also protected by a mythal that stop it from sinking in to the ocean, control the weather and can even move the island slowly if needed. The island was historically in the east of Avalor but now it is over 1000 miles away from it original location.  

Religion & Culture

The Kingdom of Daln Aerathain is a kingdom of sun elves but other high elves are allowed in.   Sun elves has a deep respect for magic, particularly of the high magic variety, and often concentrated their studies on its nature and use. Sun elves has an advantage in this over other races, even other elves, for as a collective group, sun elves had a greater wealth of lore than any other, a collection accumulated over millennia.   Although sun elves favored the arcane, they do not neglect the divine and most sun elves are deeply religious. This piety was often intertwined with nationalism, as sun elves firmly believed they were the chosen people of the Seldarine.   As in most other things, sun elves left no detail incomplete and the sun elven ceremonies devoted to the Seldarine were often long and drawn-out. For other races, these rites are dull, with sun elves neglecting any hint of joy or merriness, which they believed disrespectful to the gods, in their worship.  


The historical quote that began the elvish rulership of humanity.  
I have no hatred for the races of Man, but they are young. Like all children, they are driven by emotion. They lack the wisdom that comes with age.
  The kingdom was the main refuges for elves when the human revolt and under the founding of "The imperium of Avanor". It is the most advanced society in magical and technology and is not lacking anything else except the manpower to use it.
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion


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