Percival De Rolo Character in Dnd Campaign 1: The scourge of the Sands | World Anvil
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Percival De Rolo

Architect of Enlightened Progress of the Chamber of Whitestone Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski De Rolo III (a.k.a. Percival de Rolo, Percy, Freddy (by Vax), Whitey (by Vax) and Four-Eyes (by Taryon))

Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, often known simply as Percival de Rolo or Percy, is a human gunslinger member of Vox Machina and the father of firearms in the world of Exandria.   Percy's family once ruled the city of Whitestone, but when he was young, they were overthrown and murdered by the Briarwoods, Anna Ripley and their allies. Percy fled, his hair turning white from the trauma, and he wandered aimlessly for several years. He was eventually visited in dreams by the shadow demon Orthax who gave him the knowledge to build the very first firearm in existence, The List.   During his travels with Vox Machina, Percy reunited with his sister Cassandra and took back Whitestone. He acquired the magical cape Cabal's Ruin to aid in the fight against the Chroma Conclave and helped carve the Prime Trammels with knowledge from Ioun to take down Vecna. He married Vex'ahlia, and the two of them settled in Whitestone where they had five children. His invention of firearms revolutionized warfare throughout Tal'Dorei and eventually all of Exandria.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Percy was born in Whitestone, where his branch of the de Rolo family ruled, and was raised alongside his six siblings. Five years before the campaign began, his family hosted guests: the Briarwoods. The couple initiated a coup and seized control of Whitestone, murdering the entire De Rolo Family and those loyal to them. Percy was taken prisoner and tortured by Anna Ripley, one of the Briarwoods' allies. Percy's youngest sister and only surviving family, Cassandra, managed to free him, and they attempted to flee Whitestone together. However, she was hit by several arrows in their escape, and Percy fled on his own, believing her to be dead. Afterwards, he wandered aimlessly for two years, working on a fishing boat for a time. One night, he had a dream in which a smoke-like entity offered him the means to get revenge for his family. Percy then constructed his first gun, the List. Percy then tracked Dr. Ripley for a year until he finally found her, but he was captured by her guards and imprisoned in a jail cell.   he was being held in a prison cell in the Umbra Hills, falsely accused of being a cult leader and of the attempted murder of Dr. Ripley with the use of a demonic weapon. Percy was freed by Scanlan, Pike, and Keyleth who were in the area to look for help to save their friend, Grog. Percy helped them acquire the skull of a Nightmare, then chose to follow them back to Westruun, where he helped them complete an arcane ritual.   Percy stuck with the group, now called Vox Machina. With them, he participated in an underground fighting ring in Westruun, and faced the white dragon Skysunder.   Percy stated several times that upon meeting Vex'ahlia, he gave her all his money. At some point, Percy spent several months designing and making a bomb for Scanlan to use. He also once had to be a lawyer for Keyleth when she was thrown into prison.He did so well that he (along with Scanlan) is considered to be the unofficial lawyer for the group. Another one of his early accomplishments was to castrate a troll with a well-aimed shot.


Vex'ahlia De Rolo

Wife (Vital)

Towards Percival De Rolo



Percival De Rolo

Husband (Vital)

Towards Vex'ahlia De Rolo



Light Blue
White and short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
146 lbs


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