Vex'ahlia De Rolo Character in Dnd Campaign 1: The scourge of the Sands | World Anvil
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Vex'ahlia De Rolo

Baroness of the First House of Whitestone and Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt Vex'ahlia De Rolo- Vessar (a.k.a. Vex and Stubby (By Vax'ildan))

Vex'ahlia, nicknamed Vex, is a half-elf ranger / rogue member of Vox Machina.   Born in Byroden, she and her twin brother Vax'ildan were raised there by their mother Elaina until they were taken to live in the elven city of Syngorn at the direction of their father, Syldor Vessar. She and Vax'ildan were unhappy, and left in their early adulthood to be on their own. In their travels, Vax'ahlia rescued a bear cub, Trinket, gaining a loyal animal companion.   During her adventures with Vox Machina, she became the wielder of the legendary bow Fenthras to fight against the Chroma Conclave and earned the blessing of Pelor, becoming the Champion of Pelor, to face Vecna. After her marriage with Percival de Rolo she took his surname and became 'Lady Vex'ahlia de Rolo'. In later years, she became a member of the Tal'Dorei Council and had five children.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vex, along with her brother Vax, was born in the humble village of Byroden due to the union of a human woman named Elaina and an elven man named Syldor Vessar. The twins lived with Elaina for the first ten years of their life before they were sent to live in Syngorn, where their father lived. While there, they underwent education in various subjects, as well as combat training. During these classes they both learned the Abyssal language, apparently at their father's insistence.   After several years of scorn from the Syngornian elves, the twins set off on their own. They returned to Byroden, only to see their childhood home destroyed and their mother gone. Upon learning that a Dragon was responsible for the destruction, Vex'ahlia spent the next few years of her life studying about dragons in the chance that should she find the Wyrm that killed Elaina, she would be able to exact revenge on them alongside her brother. Vax sharpened his skills and daggers as a rogue, whereas Vex honed her prowess as a ranger.   Vex found Trinket after being kidnapped by poachers. She escaped the cage they stuffed her in and killed the man and woman who took her. She went up to the half-dead bear the poachers had captured and decided to put the noble beast out of its misery. Only afterward did she notice the bear cub squirming beneath his now dead mother. She took the cub with her back to her and her brother's camp, not telling him what happened or providing an explanation for the bear cub other than "You’re always finding trinkets to take with you… well, I wanted one of my own." She took it upon herself to raise the bear and Trinket has been unquestionably loyal ever since.   Few years later   Vex'ahlia and her twin brother Vax'ildan were in the K'tawl Swamp near Stilben to investigate a possible curse. After the twins took down a shark-speaker, Keyleth suddenly appeared and offered to heal Vax's wounds. The twins were confused by the exhuberant druid, who had never heard of half-elves being mistreated before.   Back in Stilben, the twins interrogated an alchemist named Zeth, but he refused to talk. They were ambushed by assassins as soon as they left his shop. The twins hid in the sewers to watch over the shop, and when Zeth left, they stalked him to a sewer station, where Grog and Scanlan had just broken in. The twins attacked them on sight, but the two duos had to join forces when they were all attacked by a group of assassins, then Iselda, who entered through a magic mirror. During the fight, Keyleth arrived with her friend Tiberius, and they joined the battle. When Keyleth suggested all six of them group up to reach their common goal, Vax'ildan and Vex'ahlia refused and left on their own.   Shortly afterward, Iselda kidnapped Vax'ildan by pulling him inside a mirror right in front of Vex'ahlia. Out of options, she called on the help of the others to help her rescue Vax. Scanlan's group turned her down, but Keyleth was eager to help. She followed Vex to the outskirts of town and was introduced to Trinket, who had been hiding in the forest. The trio then headed for the docks in search of Vax and ran again into the others. They all witnessed an explosion as Vax'ildan jumped out of a hole in the side of a ship, where he was being held captive.   The group decided to work together this time, and boarded the Mockingbird. They fought their way to Iselda as well as the source of the poison that has been plaguing the inhabitants of Stilben. They managed to kill her, stop a strange ritual, and escape through the previously made hole in the side of the ship. Afterward, they all headed to a tavern together.   While tracking the whereabouts of their friend Grog, the party that would one day become Vox Machina was directed to the Trickfoot household in Westruun, where they met Pike, who helped them rescue Grog from a lich. Later, the party had to split to find ingredients for a ritual to save Grog from the lich attempting to possess his body.   Vex'ahlia went with Vax'ildan and Grog to the Frostweald in search of the heart of a nymph. The team encountered basilisks on their way there, and Vex'ahlia was petrified in their fight, but Vax'ildan figured out that she could be cured by basilisk's blood. When the group encountered the nymph, she befriended Grog and brought him with her inside her pond for a while, and he refused to explain what happened when he resurfaced with the heart they had come to get.   When the entire group reunited, the other three were accompanied by Percival de Rolo, who helped them with the ritual. Vex first spoke of him as a stray they had picked up, but seemed impressed by his gunslinger skill when they fought together to keep the posessed Grog inside the ritual circle.   Vex'ahlia was saved from being frozen solid by Skysunder when Vax'ildan jumped in front of her and was frozen instead. She and the rest of Vox Machina took down the white dragon, freeing Vax and the frozen citizens of Westruun.   Upon first arriving in Emon, Vex and Vax were briefly reunited with Syldor, the latter visiting the city for diplomatic reasons. The conversation was frosty, and the twins discovered that they now have a half-sister: Velora Vessar.   Trinket was nearly killed when Grog attempted to disarm a room full of traps by hitting the bear on his backside with the broad side of his axe, causing Trinket to charge straight into the traps, catching all of them. Vex was very angry with the goliath afterwards.   With a well-aimed shot, Vex castrated one of the two trolls that were "attacking" Tiberius. Percy shot off the other's genital.   During the collapse of the Ivory Tower, Vex'ahlia attempted to use a rug as a parachute, only for it to flip underneath her and reveal itself to be a Carpet of Flying.


Hobbies & Pets

Trinket who is a bear she saved from hunters who has stayed by her side since that day.


Vex'ahlia De Rolo

Sister (Vital)

Towards Vax'ildan




Brother (Vital)

Towards Vex'ahlia De Rolo



Vex'ahlia De Rolo

Wife (Vital)

Towards Percival De Rolo



Percival De Rolo

Husband (Vital)

Towards Vex'ahlia De Rolo



Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Baroness of the First House of Whitestone (formerly Third) and Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt.
  • Champion of Pelor
  • Coinmistress of the Tal'Dorei Council
Percival De Rolo (Husband)
Vax'ildan (Brother)
Dark brown braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 lbs


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