High Durhum and the Thirteen Houses Noble (Dur - um)

Just to the west of Khazar, beyond the small nation of (not decided yet) lay the widespread and powerful nations under the rule of the High Durhum, a monarchal position of rule from the great House Durhum.  All 13 Houses now serve High Durhum, a powerful royal family that has held rule in this area of the world for Thousands of years. The Capitol of High Durhum is a sprawling metropolis of high magic design, with many races of peoples from around the world. Many High Kings and Queens of Durhum have been good people. Many have not. The current King of Durhum is Zerechadia IV.
Geopolitical, Kingdom

Articles under High Durhum and the Thirteen Houses Noble

House Padaam
Organization | Oct 10, 2023

The newest of the Houses Noble, House Padaam plays a crucial, if somewhat underappreciated role in holding back the forces of darkness that try to cross the western mountains.

House Modūm
Organization | Oct 10, 2023

House Modum is a california sized kingdom which specializes in agriculture and farming, as well as the pursuit of magical studies.

House Alseera
Organization | Oct 10, 2023

House Alseera is a varied nation with skilled artisans, architects, diplomats, and agriculturalists, yet they are also shrouded in mystery by their cabal-like operation.

House Galizárd
Organization | Oct 10, 2023

A kingdom dominated by dark mountains and even darker forests, the people here have become as harsh as their climate.

House Tarrasque
Organization | Oct 10, 2023

House Tarrasque is named after what you think, huge terrifying beasts. Perhaps one of the most warlike and savage kingdoms, the land is ruled by the iron fist of the noble family.

House Rahkida
Organization | Oct 10, 2023

House Rahkida has fought hard to gain the respect of their peers in High Durhum, but by their talent for sailing and importing goods from around the world they've made a name for themselves.

House D'Reno
Organization | Oct 10, 2023

House D'Reno is known around the world for being home to one of the, if not the primary school for wizards. The magical might and prowess of the nobility, and mages of House D'Reno is something to behold.

House Mortaelis
Organization | Oct 10, 2023

House Mortaelis has carved a place for itself in the mass production of different livestock animals, and is the second largest producer of agriculture in High Durhum. Its diplomats are known for being unreadable.

House Martíz
Organization | Oct 10, 2023

More than almost every other Noble House, House Martíz has had to diversify its economic capabilities to remain relevant. luckily, many veins of valuable minerals, metals, and magical materials have been found here.

House Zel-Hiddeffi
Organization | Oct 10, 2023

All would think that House Zel-Hiddeffi got the shortest straw in terms of the land they were given, however, no other group has made the desert bloom like they have...

House Tragar
Organization | Jan 16, 2024

House Tragar is a land of Mystics, MIsfits, and Prophets, and all those who are lost. Ruled by a family of teiflings, the kingdom strives to offer a place for those displaced by house disputes, and vehemently establishes their protection...

House Narsco
Organization | Oct 10, 2023

The literal sibling kingdom to High Durhum, the royal family blood of Durhum flows through House Narsco's veins, and they show it.

House Praxis
Organization | Jan 16, 2024

The Thirteenth House of High Durhum, wed to his line by their matriarch Ezmerelda Praxis IX


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