The Black Spot

From the air, The Spot is a massive circular area of perpetually dead and dying flora and fauna in the midst of an otherwise normal and virulent forest. Like a brine pool of the ocean, but instead within the woods.


Small rolling hills make up the topography of the Spot, with small streams running through thier tiny valleys and trees topping the hills. The flora and fauna are black and grey in a perpetual state of death and dying, with a pronounced lack of life becoming ever greater towards the center of the zone. Common plants and animals are replaced by undead and ichorous animals and plants. Across several hundred feet, vision is obscured by a strange mist that is both dry and warm. This means one cannot see very deep into of out of the zone. The heart of the zone is dominated by a grand hill that spews the dark fluid that feeds the areas streams radiating from the center. Atop the hill is a massive oak, petrified in a form of stone and split assunder seemingly by lightning strike. From its gaping center, a sickly purple glow emenats and pulses from within.


The area is generally cooler, but not icy due to seemingly dry air. The suns rays never directly reach the ground here, as clouds borne of pressure and tempurature differences with the surrounding forest.

Fauna & Flora

Creatures unfortunate enough to not just wander into the zone, but have thier corpses end up there will inevitably be posessed by undeath. The resulting abominations seek to slake thier thirst for the blood of the living in the surrounding environs, making the effective danger zone of The Black Spot to be larger and more unpredictable than the clearly defined border that can be seen by the naked eye Like a brine pool in the depths of the ocean, The Black Spot has a clearly defined border. Foliage close to the border grows more yellow and sickly towards the border before abruptly becoming ichorous, slimy, and apparently dead and decaying.

Natural Resources

Where they once may have been resources for the commoner, now only exists corrupted materials suitable only for the likes of ghouls, hags, and other exemplars of evil.


There is a tale amongst goblin kind that details the black spot as a once healthy and normal place. Its waters described as healing with thier natural spring minerals, its plant and animal life described as abundant and thriving, all before it was made what it is today. The story goes that a great hero of thier people liberatred thier land, giving them sole control over the life giving region. The Goblins enjoyed the plenty provided by the place they once called Garden. After generations of idylic living, thier so called hero returned to the place, and demanded a price be paid so he might continue his conquerst of returning the forest to its rightful owners. Driven by a near zealous loyalty grown from thier years of prosperity, the goblin kind moved thier homes away from thier paradise and believed they would simply need to make pilgramage to visit thier beloved life giving region. It was nothing short of devastating to thier society when they watched the transformation of thier home into the wasteland it is now. Over 18 hours, they watched from thier looklout poles as dark roiling clouds formed over thier Garden. Beneath the shadow, the landscape soured and fouled into the dead and decaying zone it is today.


The only deliberate visitors to the Black Spot are the boldest of adventurers, consumate fighters of evil, and druids seeking to heal the place.
Alternative Name(s)
The Dead Zone
Location under