Lord Tanyl Paon

Lord Tanyl Paon

In the Year 1000, Carden Paon gave birth to her first and only child. Sired from Waesboros, a prideful man responsible for the banishment of their family. Tanyl's father was an abusive man, the time they spent moving from village to village was made far worse by the violence inflicted on the young elf. At the age of 10, Tanyl had learnt his first spell. Firebolt. He was self taught, finding tomes and scrolls in the travels their family made. He practiced the spell on animals in the woods. He killed dozens before he committed to his plan. Tanyl hated his father for his abuse and his mother for her perceived inaction. Deep in the throes of winter, in the year 1010, Tanyl Paon killed his parents. Burning their flesh and torturing his father by slowly scorching body parts and limbs from his body. After this the boy fled. He was now the only Paon left in the world. For the next 9 years Paon trained with many wizards, becoming an apprentice to many and going on quests for them until he met Count Tarva, the Count of Murkhills. The young wizard became enamoured with the power that the Count wielded. The two trained together, Paon flourishing into one of the most powerful young mages the old Count had laid eyes on, he was beyond impressed with the elven prodigy.  On Tanyls 20th birthday, The Count approached him with an offer. He wanted to make Tanyl as powerful as himself. He wanted to do this by making the wizard more than what he was an, revealing the nature of the Count, turn him into a vampire. This offer was music to the ears of the power hungry elf, he accepted without hesitation. Becoming a higher vampire. Over the next 100 years the two sought knowledge and power together, but Paon felt as alone as he had always been. Although he had his warlord mentor by his side, he felt as if he had no one in the world to share it with. No one who could understand what it was like to be who he was. Least of all the count, which is why the resentment towards him grew. The Count came from a long line of vampires within the Tarva family. Paon felt as if he had fought tooth and nail for power that was just handed to his mentor. This hatred grew and grew until Paon slaughtered his mentor. Using his vast magical power, he bound and impaled Tarva through the heart. The Count, thinking Paon to be his friend, did not expect this. Paon took all of the late Counts wealth. He became Lord of the lands and was given the honorary title. This is when he decided to abandon his birth name, thinking himself something more than that. He believed he was the living embodiment of his bloodline. He was now Lord Paon.   50 years into his reign as Lord, Paon heard of a being named Mundu, The Sky Serpent.  A being so powerful non would challenge him. He realised he may finally have a peer and marched on the last known location of Mundu and his army. A battle broke out, Mundu's men believing Paon to be an attacking force. The only two left standing were the Serpent and the Lord. The two spoke and saw much of themselves in each other. They realised they both suffered the plight of eternity as Mundu was a dragon in human form. They formed a friendship that would span centuries and they pooled their resources. For the next few hundred years, they lived knowing they had each other. They knew they would never be alone. This was until Mundu met a beast. A vile creature that moved through realms and dimension wreaking havoc and consuming souls. The Wanderer. Mundu did not survive his encounter with the beast, leaving Paon distraught and alone.   In 1450, Paon discovered the Spirit Gate and moved to Lonanoble so he could be closer to the rift that linked the two dimensions. He would try many times with many beings to resurrect Mundu, unbeknownst to him it was impossible. Once one has been consumed and processed by the Wanderer, they are lost. He decided to sire a child, Clara, to a Fae named Lilliana. He would slaughter his "Wife" soon after and frame a Leonid named Kyrmus Draco. His belief was a half vampiric Fae would have a soul strong enough to trade with the Sky Serpent. Fate, however, had different plans. Clara was rescued by a party of warriors who took her in as their own and destroyed Paons war court, evenetually confronting him after he kidnapped his daughter to sacrifice. It was here that Striga, Corrin and Yellen slayed him. Putting an end to his centuries of terror.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Angular and thin facial structure.

Identifying Characteristics

Long, purple hair.

Special abilities

Paon is able to use 9th level magic and the power of a vampire Lord.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a suit adorned with Peahen imagery.

Mental characteristics


Paon was a bisexual man


Paon was taught by a dozen powerful wizards and, most notably, the Count of Murkhills.


Paon was the Lord of the Land in Murkhills

Accomplishments & Achievements

Became one of the youngest mortal beings to cast 8th level spells. Became a vampire Lord.


For 371 years he reigned as a Lord


Lord Tanyl Paon

Father (Vital)

Towards Clara Yellen



Clara Yellen

Daughter (Trivial)

Towards Lord Tanyl Paon



Lord Tanyl Paon


Towards Lilliana Tenebris Il'Fasor

Lilliana Tenebris Il'Fasor


Towards Lord Tanyl Paon

Wealth & Financial state

Paon was excessively wealthy
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Paon is deceased
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
30th of Ambering, 1000
Date of Death
2nd of Lightfade, 1491
1000 PA 1491 PA 491 years old
Circumstances of Death
Sacrificed to the Spirit Gate
Larkborn Town
Place of Death
Spirit Gate
Wide. Stern and burning Orange
Long, wispy purple hair


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