
One of The Grand Beasts of the Moon, Shigeo is a lesser God of life. He bestows, heals and teachers beings which he sees as being spiritually Good.

Divine Domains

Life, Knowledge


Shigeo's Pearls

Holy Books & Codes

The Honor code of Hinata Dojo

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A fish encircling a white spot

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To give life, joy and safety to any good beings

Physical Description

Body Features

Shigeo's body is huge, orange and white. A massive koi with no other distinction than size and eyes that reflect an image of the world

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Existing for such a long time that only Ryuji has lived longer (When counting beings from the Gotō Isles). Yet there are many notable occasions which concerned him.   Giving Life - Shigeo began giving life to many beings on the isles. Creating new species and healing others. During the early stages of Shigeo giving life to new beings, he created the King Newt. A sentient and intelligent newt which stands as tall as a bear. He also created the crustacean, cephalopod and shark people of the isles.     Ultimate Healing - After Ryuji fought an extremely powerful foe, prevailing victorious, during the attempted invasions of the Iustus Shigeo healed the Dragon Gods mortal wound.   Heart of the Dojo - Shigeo guided Master Chimon in matters of spirit and the soul. This led to the founding of the Hinata Dojo.

Personality Characteristics


Shigeo lives to aid and guide all of those who it deems to be good at heart

Virtues & Personality perks

Compassion and Selflessness

Vices & Personality flaws

Judgmental disposition
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Grand Koi
Orbs which reflect images of the world
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Orange and White scales
Aligned Organization


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