
The Iustus are an empire of brutal religious zealots. They follow the Prophatem, a Lich Lord, who is leading a campaign against all non human races. Originally formed for the goal of feeding the phylactery of the lich, the organisation grew too large in numbers and power and became a self fueling system. They created their own rules, literature and prejudice. They created the Citadel in 1470, a huge structure to train and recruit more to their ranks.   In 1490 the Iustus invaded Lionshead and occupied Early Soldier Keep, but their efforts were repelled by a group of adventurers.   In 1495 they attempted to seize Lonanoble, they were unsuccessful as they faced the Kelemvors Guard


The ranks of the Iustus follow a common military rank structure. Each rank has different rules of conduct, there are also roles that take rank levels but are not themselves technically that rank. In terms of authority, ceremony and respect they are the same but the role is different. They will be denoted with red rings around their tokens.   Soldiers   Devotes- The lowest rank of the Iustus. Theyy wear steel helmets that cover their face and chainmail armour. They have passed the initiations and proven loyalty but not worth. This rank includes the common Iustus soldiers. They must pray daily at mid day and are expected to give their lives willingly for battle tactics.   Lance- Crusader- The next step up, they are more respected and are allowed to show their faces, this rank consists of enforcers, lower mages and clerics are not allowed past this rank. They have not yet passed the Ritual of Righteousness. They carry prayers and lead praying groups of Devotes.   Crusader- Well respected, proven soldiers. They have passed their Ritual and have attained higher magical and combative abilities. This rank consists of mages, scorchers, knights and beastkeepers. They usually lead groups of 10 consisting of 7 Devotes, 2 lance crusaders and themselves. These groups are sent to spread their cause, apprehend or kill enemies of the Iustus.   Fireguard- The sergeants of Iustus. Very well respected and usually quite powerful. They can usually lead squadrons of men against seiges or battles. They are extremely devoted. This rank conists of Battlemasters, Decimators, Wardens and Town Leaders   Battlelord Class 2- Extremely rare and just as powerful. They are well experienced and lead battle groups. This rank consists of Guard Majors, Battle Area Commanders and High Mages.   Battlelord class 1- The highest rank of soldier in the Iustus. They work as coordinatirs of fully intergrated attacks. They choose rank ascensions and carry out executions. This rank conisists of the best of the best of those who were 2nd class battlelords. They are ruthless.   Officers   2nd Lieutenant- This rank is the first of the officer progression. All officers carry out command missions, such as invasions. This rank deals with towns and villages   1st Lieutenant- These officers spearhead City and town cluster invasions. They are more experienced and are usually proven in battle   Captain- Usually those with this rank are tasked with taking down lands under control of lords. Small regions or clans. They are the first officer rank to not be seen as easily attainable for those who join the Iustus in the Officers section.   Major/ High Righteous- Typically a Major will be given command of a sub-unit of up to 120 officers and soldiers with responsibility for their training, devotion and administration both in the citadel and during the invasions of regions, as well as the management of their equipment   Lieutanent Colonel- Lieutenant Colonels typically command units of up to 650 soldiers, containing four or five sub-units - known as the Blessed Commander. They are responsible for the overall operational effectiveness of their unit in terms of military capability, devotion and general discipline.   Officers- Lords   Colonel- Colonels are not usually field commanders. Typically they serve as staff officers between field commands at Battalion level. It is the lowest of the Lord ranks and they are the principal advisors to senior Lords.   Lord Commander - They can command a brigade or be a director of operational capability groups such as a director of staff.   High Lord- command formations of division size and the Citadel, and hold senior staff appointments in the Iustus. The Highest of mages and powerful figures reside here.   Lieutenant General- These ranks control subdivisions of entire invaded areas and the logistics of running said areas   General- Lead armies and hordes. They control entire invasion efforts of Countries, land masses and dimensions   The Prophetam- He leads the entire Iustus. Holding the Highest level of command. He is the be all and end all. He is beyond normal means of power.

Pure through Fire

Founding Date
1460 PA
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Cult of Flame
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Previous Enemies

The Iustus failed to invade the Land of the Moon several times

At War

The two are directly opposed to each other, the guard having been nearly wiped out by the zealots

At War

Royal Army
The Iustus, being an invading force, are at odds with the Royal Army


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