Genasi (Jen-Az-Ee)

Said to be the half-elemental children of the Elder Elemental, the Genasi (meaning 'Complete Ones' in Primordial) are a seamless blend of the elemental planes and life on the Great Disc.  Though they are rarely seen among the people of the Lower Realms, stories and legends tell of an entire cities of the strange and fascinating people in the Underworld.   The creation myth that genasi learn when they are young is that their people are the final product of eons of experiments by the Elder Elemental to create a race befitting Underworld and the Chaos, hence the name 'Complete Ones'.  In their native lands of the Underworld, they were believed to be the true rulers of the lands in the wake of the Titans destruction at the end of the Titan Wars of the First Age.  However, their believed rightful position was usurped by the newcomers - the Drow - at the end of the Second Age.   Most of the Genasi that now dwell on the surface claim to be descendants of the survivors of the Drow's merciless extermination campaign against the Genasi who fled to the surface.  Some still have intentions of returning to the Chaos filled skies of the Underworld and reclaim their ancestral homeland, but others have decided to live out their days under the blue skies of the surface.   Genasi come in a variety of types, each one a blend of the humanoid form with one of the six elemental planes that influence the ebb and flow of the Chaos.  Though historically its claimed that each 'tribe' as they view themselves had their own cultures and cities in the Underworld, on the surface of the Great Disc they are generally just referred to as 'Genasi' by most other races.  Still, some genasi have decided to band together with similar types to form small tribal societies that they refer to as 'Enclaves'.  For instance, the Air Enclave makes their home on the peaks of the Kal'Ta mountains.
Age: A typical genasi has a life span of 120 years.   Creature Type: You are a Humanoid.   Size: You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.   Speed: Your walking speed is 30 feet.   Types Available: