
Very little is known about the history of the gnomes. They appear to be Fey cousins to the Halflings but since Halfling history is already such a sparse topic, no one is entirely sure.   The gnomes however much like the halflings have found an extraordinary knack for integrating themselves into societies. While gnomes do not have the abundance of social skills for trading or the hardiness for the outdoors like their halfling relatives, they have taken quite well to the arcane ways. Many have studied with and become respected wizards of Brighthurst. Others focused on the more tangible developments their intellect can craft and joined with the dwarves of Ashfall or the industrious companies of Yhuson to build machines and forge weaponry.  

Gnome Types

Gnomes across the Great Disc come in three basic variations that are easy to distinguish by both their difference in appearance or skill.  

Forest Gnome

Forest Gnomes, or sometimes called 'Fey Gnomes', are magically gifted and attuned to the natural world. They tend to be lither than the other gnomes with a lack of body hair outside of the head and maybe the face (though some have speculated that facial hair maybe a magical creation.) They often live outside the cities in either the Borderlands or sometimes even in the Southern Wilds. As their name implies, they seem to often find comfort amongst the shadows of a forest often leaving to traversing the fields and plains to the Lightfoot Halflings or Wood Elves.   Naming Convention: {First Name} {Middle Name} {Gnomish Name of Birthplace} {Clan Name} {Personal Family Name}  

Rock Gnome

The name Rock Gnome is best traced back to the early encounters between Gnomes and Dwarves where a stonesmith artisan Dwarf remarked at the gnomish creations as being rocksmithing to compare with his own craft. As the dwarves rose in societal prominence, so did too their name for the Rock Gnomes. Outside of Gnome and Dwarf circles however, the Rock Gnomes are more often just called 'Tinker Gnomes' for their natural instinct at construction small elaborate devices. Rock Gnomes tend to a bit stockier in appearance, with often more muscular builds and by comparison more body hair.   Naming Convention: {First Name} {Guild Name} {Family Name}

Chaos Gnomes

Sometimes called 'Deep Gnomes' or in their native tongue the 'svirfneblin' (svurf-nebb-lynn) are Gnomes that live on the Underworld of the Disc. They have coal black to deep purple skin, elongated fingers, and pale eyes. Beyond that little is known about this very rare subspecies of Gnome. Even less of how they ended up in the Underworld. There are theories that they were the Primordial attempt at copying the Gods' creations, or that The Elder Elemental was behind the creation of the gnomes and thus made sure to add them to both domains of the Disc.   Naming Convention: {First Name} {Colony Name}
Age: Gnomes mature at the same rate humans do, and most are expected to settle down into an adult life by around age 40. They can live 350 to almost 500 years.  Chaos Gnomes however mature by 25 and only live to half the age of other gnomes.   Size: Gnomes are between 3 and 4 feet tall and average about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.   Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 feet.   Available Types:
  • Forest Gnome
  • Rock Gnome
  • Chaos Gnome (Deep Gnome)