Impicael (Imp-pie-sigh-el)

The Elder Elemental

Impicael, referred to by the Holy Church as 'The Elder Elemental' or 'Lord of Chaos' is one of the nine Gods of Order as well as worshipped as one of the Gods of Chaos.   True to His nature, Impicael is not confined by merely being a member of the Gods of Order and serves as the bridge between both Order and Chaos. To those who worship the Gods of Order, such as the Holy Church, Impicael serves as a counter balance to the other gods. Though admittedly, there are many who practice the faith who have historically struggled to find a place for such a wild element in the religion, the Holy Tomes tell of the Elder Elemental being one of the oldest friends and allies to the other Gods and thus have always welcomed Him to the table when it comes to deciding the path their creations will take.   While no rigid depiction of the god exists and fitting to a Trickster God to constantly appear as different forms throughout legend and history, a few things are known from the scriptures. The first is that the Elder Elemental does not dwell amongst the Astral Sky and the Five Moons like so many of the Gods of Order. He instead is said to dwell within a crystalline palace known as Vykkadaria that floats above the heart of the Chaos. Some other Chaos aligned faiths sometimes depict his domain not being one of the moons but the sun itself, and thus is worshipped as a Sun God as well.   The Elder Elemental is communally worshipped by the Holy Church, Druid Circles, Primordial Cults, and Elemental Worship without issue thus making Him one of the most universally worshipped Gods on the Great Disc.  

Other Cultures

Southern Wilds

To the Beastkin of the Wilds, Impicael is known as the Rage of the World. He represents the storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanos that can ravage the lands. He is worshipped most prominently as a God of Chaos and as the father of all primordials and elementals.  His symbol in the Southern Wilds is an upside down triangle, often accented with jagged edges on the two angled sides.  


Amongst the dragonborn, Impicael is called Rygarach the Copper Chaos and is viewed as the raging inner storm that forms the devastating elemental breath that all dragons and dragonborn share.  Rygarach is the 'breath' of Io the World Dragon and brought forth both destruction and life to all dragonkin.  His symbol amongst the people of Arkhosia is a triskelion.  

Dwarven Faith

In the old ways of the Dwarven people, the Elder Elemental is simply referred to as The Old Enemy.  It's long been a matter of scholarly debate as to why a devout people such as the Dwarves would refer to one of the Gods as an enemy, but the leading theories put forth the hypothesis that Impicael's role as ruler of the Elemental Chaos puts Him as the antagonist to the ancient Dwarves duty of protecting the balance between order and chaos.  Hence, the Old Enemy represents the forces that the Dwarves would have been sworn to keep in line.  The Old Enemy is represented by the Dwarven rune for 'Broken' possibly as a counterpoint to the runes' inverse which translates to 'Order'.  

The Path of Udira'ja

To the people of Udi'ra who worship the Crystal of Light, the Elder Elemental is worshipped as the lesser deity Yaash'itav, the World Monkey.  Yaash'itav is a trickster god who delights in the upheaval of the natural order of things - storms, fires, earthquakes, etc.  He is also often attributed to lesser inconveniences such as losing an article of clothing or misplacing an important item.  One who is having a bad day is often described as being Yaash'itav's Toy.  Yaash'itav is represented as a golden monkey with one emerald eye and one sapphire eye, often curled around a circle.  

Other Information

Divine Domains

Nature, Tempest, Trickery


The Ring of Elements
Asgorath, the Primordial Staff

Holy Books & Codes

The Holy Tome of the Church
The Scrolls of the Mad Man El'jaram
The Black Tablets

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A circle inside a diamond inside a square

Tenets of Faith

1. Nothing is permanent. Do not attach yourself to the world.
2. Do not seek control, it leads to madness. Give into chaos, embrace the madness.
3. Inspire awe. The bigger the dent you make in the world, the longer it will take to be forgotten.


Festival of Chaos (20th of High Day)
The Feast of the Gods (10th of Low Day)
The month of High Day is considered the Elementrise and is the Elder Elemental's time of observance.
Divine Classification
God of Order, God of Chaos
Chaotic Neutral
Ruled Locations