Gods of Order

The Gods of Order are said to be the Gods that first created Donam'ua and set forth the laws that determine how life on the Disc behaves and develops. They are responsible for the Sundering of Magic, also known as the First Punishment, where they removed all the magic from the world save for the barest trickle and then divided Magic up into an elaborate cycle of decay and rebirth that utilizes the Primal Planes. The Gods of Order were also behind the birth of the dragons and their appearance in the world during the Starfall or Second Punishment.   The main faith surrounding the Gods of Order is the Holy Church centered in the city of Triswell, though there exists some sects and cults that worship individual gods from the pantheon they are generally worshiped as a whole.  The symbol commonly used to represent the pantheon of the Gods of Order is the same the Holy Church has used to symbolize itself: an eight pointed star with a hole in the center and a circle around it.  The intent is that each of the points of the star is one of the 9 gods, with the final god - The King of Crows the God of Death - being symbolized by the hole at the center.  The circle around the star, usually placed between the points and the center as shown here, is debated to either symbolize the Great Disc itself or the Veil created by The Betrayer that keeps the Gods from interacting with the Disc directly.   The Gods of Order are:
The Symbol of the Holy Church and the Gods of Order.

Articles under Gods of Order