Iosvih'elen Dragonborn

Born in the harsh wasteland of the Athasian Expanse, the Dragonborn of Arkhosia are given purpose before they are even hatched. The Arkhosia Federation has spent its entire existence enforcing a rigid caste system through selective breeding for certain talents, abilities, and skill sets. A citizen of Arkhosia is born for a specific task and that is the task they will carry out for their entire life, enforced by an inherited connection to their draconic ancestors called 'the Blood Oath' or simply 'The Oath'.   However, not all Dragonborn adhere to the Blood Oath. Some are born different, with no desire to adhere to their chosen caste. Some are deemed criminals or heretics. Some choose to flee the Federation for hopes of a better life elsewhere. These dragonborn have chosen to walk the path of the Exiled One - the Iosvih'elen (pron. EYE-oh-SVEE-Ellen). By breaking with the Blood Oath, they lose access to their ancestral connection to the draconic past. Sacrificing both the protections given to their scales, and the elementally charged breath to wield against their foes. Their scales dull in color becoming muddy browns or flat grays, the mark of the breaking with their people. However, what they gain is freedom to be the person they want to be.   All is not lost however. Even without their dragon blood given abilities, they were still born and bred for a purpose and the talents given for that purpose are still apart of them.  

The Mark of Exile

All Dragonborn who stray from the path laid forth by their Caste break the Blood Oath. There is no court or judgement that needs to be decided. The Oath is encoded into the very existence of a Dragonborn. Their scales will become less lustrous, turning from brilliant and shining colors to flat matte grays and browns. This is known as the Mark of Exile and will brand the Iosvih'elen as a traitor and criminal across the Arkhosia Federation.   However, this isn't the only form that the Mark of Exile can take. Those who have been banished either by trial or some other judgement will also come to bear the Mark, though not as instantly as actively choosing to break the Blood Oath. In those cases, the Ferrod'ith will command that the guilty party be branded with some sort of mark on an exposed part of the body, often the face. This too is colloquially known as the Mark of Exile due to it serving the same purpose - a means to identify one who is not welcome in the Federation any longer. Due to the nature of being exiled, in time these Marked individuals will be forced to break the Blood Oath and also suffer the desaturated scales.

Dragonborn Castes

  Before your exile, you were born into one of ten castes of dragonborn. Each was bred for a specific purpose in Dragonborn society, and while your scales no longer reflect the vibrant hue of your former brothers and sisters, your blood still carries the training and skills you were born with.  


The Overseers and managers of the Federation. They make sure everything is distributed and handled. They are the first to be held responsible if something goes wrong.
Scale Color: Gold.
Genetic Proficiency: Insight, Persuasion, and +1 to Charisma.
Inherited Lineage: Spend 10 minutes to grant six creatures within 30 feet temporary hit points equal to half your level (rounded down) + your Charisma modifier. A creature can't gain temporary hit points from this feat again until it has finished a short or long rest.  


The hunters and gatherers. They handle the farming, the gathering of resources, the hunting of meats and furs and the like.
Scale Color: Black.
Genetic Proficiency: Survival, Nature, and +1 to Constitution.
Inherited Lineage: Gain +1 to all saving throws. Gain double your Constitution modifier when using hit dice.  


The Ulharix are the masters of the arcane flow and practice magics to help the entire society, be that enchantment for weapons, altering weather for crops, or shielding the Federation from hazards.
Scale Color: Blue.
Genetic Proficiency: Arcana, Herbalism Kit, and +1 to Intelligence.
Inherited Lineage: You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.  


The Sventach are sometimes called ‘Silencers’ in the common tongue. Their job is primarily to make sure specific people vanish. Or the silence the dissidents that would disrupt the perfect society.
Scale Color: Green.
Genetic Proficiency: Poisoner’s Kit, Stealth, +1 to Dexterity
Inherited Lineage: You can attempt to hide in lightly obscured or dim light.  


The soldiers of Arkhosia. They are trained from birth to be the perfect weapon to carry out any attacks or to defend the Federation.
Scale Color: Red.
Genetic Proficiency: Athletics, Acrobatics, and +1 to Strength
Inherited Lineage: You gain +1 to your Armor Class.  


They are the healers that mend wounds, handle funeral rites, and help to ensure relaxation and destressing (this includes spa treatments, massage and even sex).
Scale Color: White.
Genetic Proficiency: Herbalism Kit, Medicine, and +1 to Wisdom
Inherited Lineage: Can cast Bless a number of times a day equal to half your proficiency bonus (round down).  


They are charged with keeping things orderly in the city and among society. They serve as guards and police for the citizens of the Federation. Some members of the Auraj'ymm also serve as attorneys when a matter is brought before the Ferrod'ith.
Scale Color: Brass.
Genetic Proficiency: Perception, Athletics, and +1 to Charisma
Inherited Lineage: If you can see a creature's mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it's saying by reading its lips. You have a +2 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) score.  


The Aujirel are the artisans of Arkhosia. From construction, to sculpture, to entertainment, to cuisine - it all falls under the Aujirel’s jurisdiction.
Scale Color: Bronze.
Genetic Proficiency: Any one artisan’s tools, Performance, +1 to Strength
Inherited Lineage: Can cast Mending a number of times a day equal to your proficiency bonus. Choose one skill in which you have proficiency. You gain expertise with that skill, which means your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it. The skill you choose must be one that isn’t already benefiting from a feature, such as Expertise, that doubles your proficiency bonus.  


If the Sventach are the secret assassins, then the Rach’sjah are the secret police. Tasked with investigating and finding weak points in society, dissidents, dishonorable actions, and are allowed discretionary action that does not require a trial with the Ferrod’ith.
Scale Color: Copper.
Genetic Proficiency: Thieves’ Tools, Investigation, and +1 to Dexterity
Inherited Lineage: You gain advantage to initiative. You can't be surprised while you are conscious.


The scholars and priests of Arkhosia. They also serve as diplomats and speakers.
Scale Color: Silver.
Genetic Proficiency: History, Persuasion, and +1 to Intelligence
Inherited Lineage: Can cast Comprehend Languages a number of times a day equal to half your proficiency bonus (round down).


  Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
Size. You are Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Ability Score Increase. One ability score of your choice increases by 2.
Magic Sight. The Dragonborn were created to carry out the Grand Design and to ensure order in a world run amok with the chaos of magic. You can hunt down magic users with the ability to cast Detect Magic on yourself a number of times per day equal to your proficiency modifier.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic. Draconic is thought to be one of the oldest languages and is often used in the study of magic. The language sounds harsh to most other creatures and includes numerous hard consonants and sibilants.
Specialized Caste. Even robbed of your inherent abilities by breaking the Blood Pact, you still have gained the knowledge and skills inherited from the Caste you were born in. Choose one type of dragon from the Caste list. This determines your bonus skills and other traits.
Genetic Proficiency. The Dragonborn of Arkosh are bred and born for specific purposes. Each scale color is its own caste and is the result of generations of controlled breeding to produce the perfect citizens to fulfill that caste's role in Dragonborn society. You gain two proficiencies based on the Caste you were born in to, as well as an additional +1 to an ability score associated with the tasks you were bred to accomplish.
Inherited Lineage. Even cut off from your draconic powers, the power of a hundred generations of selected breeding still pumps in your veins. At the 3rd level, you gain an additional bonus determined by your Caste.