
Born from the blood of Arkhos the last dragon and given life from the flame of her breath, the Dragonborn were created to carry out the sworn duty of the dragons: to keep the other races in check at all costs. This was the Bloodpact that all Dragonborn are honor sworn to uphold. The great rule that drives their species. Should a dragonborn prove dishonorable or act against the bloodpact, their scales lose their color and they become Iosvih’elen or “Clanless” in Draconic.   While the Iosvih’elen make up the majority of the dragonborn in the Lower Realms, some insights have been gleamed about Arkhosian society. They are a heavily caste based society with no known currency. Their caste is based entirely on their scale color, which comes in either a chromatic or metallic variety.  

Chromatic Castes


The strong and thick hided black scaled dragonborn are the resource gatherers of Arkhosian society.  They are bred to have powerful thick hides that can endure the most brutal conditions and most caustic substances on the Disc.  Because of this, they are best suited to venture beyond the city walls and gather the resources needed by the Dragonborn.  From the brutal desert sun to the poisonous caves below, the Vutharroc (Vooth-Arr-Ock) are born ready to tackle any threat.  


The blue-scaled Ulharix (Ool-har-ix) are born with a transcendental understanding of the Flow of Magic.  Unlike most races who either force the Flow or create complicated rituals to control it, the Ulharix commune with the Magic in an almost natural dance of give and take.  Those who were lucky enough to witness the Ulharix perform their craft and survive have remarked that they almost have the Magic's permission to use it.  


Dragonborn with green scales belong the Sventach (Sven-Tack) caste, a group of merciless assassins that are utilized to eliminate external threats to the Arkhosian Federation.  Their trademark method is utilizing highly lethal poisons whose composition is a secret to everyone outside the Sventach, even the other dragonborn.  It is important to note that the Scentach do not deal with the internal threats of the Federation, that task falls to the secret police force of the Rach'sjah.  


The red scaled Charek (Char-Eck) are the backbone of Arkhosia's military.  Born and bred soldiers who hatch with unwavering loyalty, an instinct for combat, and a body built for war.  It's said that no Charek has ever become an Iosvih'elen.  The Charek are also said the be the largest caste in the Federation, with numbers in the thousands.  A frightening thought when a single Charek soldier has historically proven to be a match for an entire detachment of knights.  One of the rites of initiation into Ashfall's Stoneguard is to venture into the Athasian Expanse and slay a Charek.  


The Aussiris'var (Oz-ee-rees-var) are the white-scaled priesthood of the dragonborn.  Preserving the teachings and rites of both their own variation on the pantheon of gods which takes the form of the sundered parts of the progenitor dragon, Io the World Dragon, as well as the beliefs of the Draconic Triumvirate consisting of Io's first brood - Bahamut, Tiamat, and Saridor.  The Aussiris'var work closely with their metallic counterparts, the Orn'aam, to protect the ancient ways from being forgotten, but they also serve as caretakers of the dragonborn.  They provide healing service, as well as spa treatments, massage and even sex work if that is what is needed.  

Metallic Castes


Auraj'ymm (Brass)

The brass-sclaed Auraj'ymm (Arr-Ahj-eem) are the internal security and defense caste of Arkhosia.  They are effectively the guards and knights of the dragonborn society and are tasked with keeping the cities civil and lawful.  They are not allowed to take any manner of penal action however.  Simply to detain any violator of the laws and bring them before the Ferrod'ith for judgement.  If an Auraj'ymm severely injures or kills a potential criminal, it is often considered a breach of the bloodpact and thus grounds for exile.

Aujirel (Bronze)

The Aujirel (Ah-jee-rell) are the bronze-scaled artisans of Arkhosia. From construction, to sculpture, to cuisine - it all falls under the Aujirel’s jurisdiction.  Next to the Vutharroc and the Charek, the Aujirel are the largest caste in Arkhosia.

Rach'sjah (Copper)

If the Sventach are the secret assassins, then the copper-scaled Rach’sjah (Rack-sha) are the secret police. Tasked with investigating and finding weak points in society, dissidents, dishonorable actions, and are allowed discretionary action that does not require a trial with the Ferrod’ith.  In this way the Rach'sjah have much greater freedom to operate than the Auraj'ymm but are thus held to a much higher standard of conduct.

Orn'aam (Silver)

The silver-scaled scholars and priests of Arkhosia.  The Orn'aam (Or-Nah-um) work extensively with the Aussiris'var for the preservation of rituals and teachings, but they are also archivists of all knowledge.  The Orn'aam are also deployed to serve as diplomats and speakers when the Arkhosian Federation must interact with the other realms in an official capacity.

Ferrod'ith (Gold)

The gold-scaled overseers and managers of the Federation. The bureaucrats that ensure that everything in dragonborn society operates like clockwork. They make sure everything is distributed and handled. While many outside of the dragonborn assume that the Ferrod'ith (Fair-oh-deeth) are the rulers of the society, they are the first to be held responsible if something goes wrong and take some of the most brutal punishments if they fail.  

Gem Dragonborn

The followers of Saridor are the most mysterious group of Dragonborn known.  Even their existence is only known as rumor and hearsay.  A myth even among the dragonborn, the Gem Dragonborn are said to wield incredible powers that force them to be kept outside of the greater Arkhosian society.  No one knows where the Gem Dragonborn live, but tales span from a hidden sanctum in the deep desert to a temple hidden on a demiplane.
Age: Young dragonborn grow quickly. They walk hours after hatching, attain the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3, and reach adulthood by 15. They live to be around 80, though Iosvih'elen rarely live that long due to the harsh conditions of their exile.   Size: Dragonborn are taller and heavier than humans, standing well over 6 feet tall and averaging almost 250 pounds. Your size is Medium.   Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Types Available: Types Not Available to Players:
  • Metallic Dragonborn
  • Chromatic Dragonborn
  • Gem Dragonborn