Kal'Arel (Cal-Ah-Wrell)

Calafir Arellus [Unknown] (a.k.a. Kal'Arel)

Kal'Arel is the youngest member of the Devil's Hand at the age of 17.  Despite his youth, he is a masterful necromancer who can summon dozens of undead servants at a time and has no problem controlling them.   It has been a rumor since joining the XIIIth Order that Kal is a relative to one of the church higher ups, possibly even one of the Arch Clerics.  Kal has never confirmed this rumor, but he becomes fairly shy when the question of his family is brought up.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Kal'Arel has an exceptional talent in the school of necromancy, a form generally forbidden by both the Church and the Mages Guild.

Apparel & Accessories

Kal'Arel is normally garbed in dark purple and black robes, decorated with bits of gold here and there.  When on duty, he has taken in the past year to wearing a heavy metal mask decorated in the style of a skull (See: Specialized Equipment)

Specialized Equipment

Kal wears a specialized metal mask that he spent several months designing, constructing and enchanting.  Since completing it, he refuses to leave the Church grounds without donning it.  It is a silver metal, styled to look like a skull with green lenses in the eye sockets and a number of arcane runes decorated across the edges.   He also possesses a powerful talisman that he wields as a spell casting focus.  Kal claims it heightens his necromantic powers and a gift from beyond the pale wall of the grave, but most who have examined the pendant find that it is a fairly standard focus.  Regardless, HE feels more powerful when he wields it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kal'Arel is a native citizen of Triswell who grew up in the Lapis Ring of the city.  His family was fairly well connected with the Holy Church and managed to enlist a young Kal in the clerical training at the age of 8.  His studies continued to accelerate until the point where he was able to undertake the Rite of Ascension at the age of 14, a near unheard accomplishment that only a handful in the history of the Church have managed to achieve.  Even stranger was the result of the rite.  When Kal emerged from the experience he found himself bonded with Orbivem, the God of Death, who offered the young man a sliver of its divine power to serve the balance of life and death - Kal'Arel refused.  When he was questioned by the High Clerics, the story goes that he simply responded that he had no desire to maintain the balance of life and death but sought to control death.   Not knowing what to do with the young man who had clearly shown an above normal aptitude for magic and even resonated with a God that few ever do, the Holy Church decided to hand Kal'Arel off to the XIIIth Order with hopes that they could make use of and give purpose to this boy.  For the past three years, Kal'Arel has worked in the Order as a master of the necromantic arts living up to the reasons that he was rumored to give for declining clerichood.   There are a number of rumors and stories as to where Kal'Arel gains his unnatural affinity for necromancy.  Some claim he was chosen by Orbivem as an infant, while others claim that he was born under the Black Moon.  The boldest of these tales is that his mother died while giving birth to him, and the surgeons had to cut open the deceased woman to save the baby, thus Kal's birth was baptized in death.

Accomplishments & Achievements

One of a small number that was able to complete the Rite of Ascension by the age of 14.

Personality Characteristics


Kal'Arel has made it no secret that his ultimate goal is to master death itself, to the point that he declined an invitation to ascend to being a Cleric for the God of Death itself.

Personality Quirks

Kal'Arel is incredibly self-conscious and shy. He has been fearful of being judged since he declined the Rite of Ascension which saw him instantly become an outcast to almost everyone he had been raised by for half his life.


Family Ties

Rumored to have familial ties to someone high up in the Church.  Rumors range from a number of High Clerics to one of the Arch Clerics or even the Grand Cleric herself (though this seems the least likely as Kal doesn't appear to have any halfling lineage in his bloodline)

Religious Views

Kal'Arel has no doubt that the Gods of Order exist.  He was on the path to become a cleric and even spoke to the God of Death supposedly. However, he doesn't appear to hold the Gods in any reverence. He views them as people - incredibly powerful people.  Generally he regards the Gods as being 'overly optimistic' in regards to the world, and has on a number of cases criticized the divines and their teachings for being too simple minded, offering the explanation that they possibly just don't "get us".

Social Aptitude

Slow to trust, shy to a fault, and will never be the one to start the conversation.  Regardless, when he does open up Kal'Arel has proven to be an insightful and polite young man who tries his best to at least appear like he respects his elders.
Date of Birth
1 Low Dusk 5A258
Dark Gray
shaggy white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
96 lbs
Gods of Order
Aligned Organization